Chapter 22

Amirah Pov

The darkness slowly receded, like waves pulling back from shore. In that hazy place between sleep and wakefulness, I drifted through fragments of memory—a man's silhouette against light, a name that felt like both a caress and a dagger: Kai. Love and heartache twisted together, inseparable, though I couldn't recall how or why.

Mother's face appeared next, clearer than the shadowed man—Amara Spellman with her gentle eyes and protective embrace. She had always known exactly when to wrap me in her arms, even when I pretended strength. When did I last feel that warmth?

My eyes fluttered open, panic instantly gripping me when I didn't see Lani. My heart raced until I felt the small weight on my stomach. Relief washed over me as I carefully lifted her tiny body onto my chest. She instinctively nestled her head against my neck, her soft snores a melody more soothing than any lullaby.

Playing with her silky curls, I tried to piece together what had happened. Why was I connected to these machines? And why did this name—Kai—echo in my mind, bringing waves of love, sadness, and betrayal? His face remained a blur no matter how I tried to focus, like looking through frosted glass. I shook my head, dismissing the phantom emotions to focus on my daughter's warmth against me.

Footsteps approached in the hallway. I tensed, ready to protect Lani, until I heard Briyah's voice suggesting they check on us. My muscles relaxed marginally.

The door opened and four faces appeared—Jackson, Briyah, Catanila, and Mikeal—all wearing identical expressions of surprise at seeing me awake.

"How long have I been asleep?" I asked, my voice raspier than I expected.

"One day," Jackson replied. "Almost two."

I stared at them, shocked. "What happened? Why have Lani and I been out for so long?"

They exchanged glances before Mikeal explained: after our confrontation and my retreat into darkness with my frightened daughter, Lani had cried and begged to leave. Despite my injuries, I'd attempted to escape with her. By the time I reached the door, they'd tried to stop me. I'd summoned my darkness but collapsed with Lani standing behind me.

"Your daughter..." Catanila shook her head with something like admiration. "She tried to protect you. This little one-year-old standing over you, arms spread wide, screaming 'Don't touch my mama! Don't hurt my mama!' calling us 'bad people.'"

Briyah nodded. "She eventually let us put you in bed, but wouldn't let anyone near you after that."

"Then you started thrashing," Jackson continued. "Screaming. Lani panicked, trying to wake you, but couldn't. Your darkness began filling the room."

Catanila raised her hand, showing a bandage. "I took Lani while Briyah prepared the sedative. Your daughter fought like a wild thing—bit me hard." Her smile was rueful but not unkind. "Jackson and Mikeal had to hold you down for the injection."

I looked down at my daughter, my heart aching. She'd been through so much because of me, this tiny warrior trying to protect her mother when it should have been the other way around.

The tension in the room was palpable. They were all watching me too carefully, like I might shatter.

"Is something wrong with Lani?" Panic edged my voice. "Did I hurt her?"

"No," Briyah and Catanila answered quickly, almost in unison. "You didn't hurt her. Between the crying and her injury, her little body's just exhausted. She's just sleeping."

I bent down to kiss her head, inhaling her sweet baby scent. When I looked up, their strange expressions remained.

"Why do you keep looking at me like that?" I demanded.

Uncomfortable glances passed between them. Briyah and Catanila both looked expectantly at Jackson and Mikeal.

"Um, Mira," Jackson finally began, hesitant. "Before we sedated you, you called out a name—Kai. You asked why he left you..."

"You said he was your love," Mikeal added softly.

"You cried out so painfully," Briyah whispered.

I stared at them, shaking my head. "The name sounds familiar, but I don't know who you're talking about."

"None of this makes sense," Jackson frowned. "I checked your file—the gene tube failed. So how did you give birth to a daughter?"

Heat rushed to my face as his words registered. "You looked at my personal files?" I scanned their faces, feeling betrayal slice through me like a blade. "You had no right!"

"We're sorry, Mira," Jackson said, though his tone held little remorse. "I wasn't planning on looking at any of your files, but this Kai hurt you badly. We're trying to protect you."

Catanila stepped forward. "Maybe you should see your family, let them know you're alive. I can tell they really cared for you, loved you."

"If that family even cared or loved me," I hissed, clutching Lani closer, "they wouldn't have sent me to that hell." My voice dropped to a harsh whisper. "I don't want to talk about this anymore."

The silence that followed was heavy with unspoken questions. I turned my face away, focusing on Lani's peaceful expression, wishing I could find the same peace amid the storm of emotions and fractured memories.

Who was Kai? Why couldn't I remember? And why did part of me not want to remember at all?