Chapter 65: Is this girl silly or not?

Cindy thanked him and hung up the phone.

She suddenly realized, wasn't Sheldon Rowland the special assistant of Pingla Group's CEO?

Was this matter handled by Sheldon?

Did he see the news online and deal with it himself, or did Adrian Zhekova ask him to do it?

Cindy felt that she should call Sheldon anyway.

To thank him and ask about it.

She was searching for Sheldon's phone number in her contacts when Adrian's call came in.

It was just yesterday that Adrian had reminded her to save his number in her contacts.

Now, Adrian's name was very prominently displayed on her mobile phone screen.

Cindy immediately picked up: "Mr. Zhekova."

"At noon today at the company, I had other things to tell you, so I didn't bother about the issue of addressing each other." Adrian didn't mention his purpose and surprisingly spoke of this first.

"Do you think I didn't notice?"

Over the phone, Cindy could almost see him raising his eyebrows.