Chapter 97: You don't like bitter gourd either?

They then put the mushroom slices, shredded carrots, and onion shreds into the pot and stir-fried them until the onions were half-transparent. Next, they added fish tofu, shrimp that had had their veins removed, and finally, put in the half-cooked scrambled eggs.

Then they mixed the cooked rice into the stir-fry.

They added salt, soy sauce, sugar, black pepper, and other seasonings, and finally put in the bitter melon.

A simple bitter melon shrimp fried rice was ready.

In the refrigerator, there were some chilled and marinated pickled pepper chicken feet she had prepared earlier. They were boneless and refreshingly crispy.

She also added a few cold dishes.

A plate of fried rice for each person was simple but enough.

However, when Morgan Zhekova saw the bitter melon, she scrunched up her little face.

"Bitter melon, it's so bitter," said Morgan Zhekova.

"No picky eating!" Adrian Zhekova said sternly.

Morgan Zhekova and Cindy Clarke were both stunned.