Chapter 150: I Am the Child's Father

"Oh, okay." So that's how it is.

"By the way, tell me the password so I don't have to ring the doorbell and wake Morgan later," Adrian Zhekova said.

Cindy Clarke's apartment door can be accessed by card or by entering a password.

Her front door also has a fingerprint lock, which either requires a fingerprint scan or password input.

Adrian actually wanted Cindy to enter his fingerprint into the lock directly.

However, considering it was too late, asking seemed inconvenient.

Next time, he should definitely get the fingerprint thing sorted out.

When Cindy heard this, she found it quite reasonable.

"Wait a moment," Cindy said, then went to the cabinet integrated with the entrance hall bar to get a key card.

"This is the access card for the building, take it. The password is too long and hard to remember," Cindy said.

Then, she told Adrian the password for her fingerprint lock.