Chapter 251: Video Call from Ian Morris

Adrian Zhekova was leaving, so Cindy Clarke escorted him out.

Besides, she was just escorting him to the elevator's entrance, and little Morgan wasn't worried either.

Besides, compared to the uncle she met today, she liked Adrian Zhekova more.

When they arrived at the elevator's entrance, Adrian Zhekova stopped and said, "I'll be back tonight."

Cindy Clarke felt like asking, did he still want to live here?

However, in the end, she didn't dare to ask.

She was afraid that if she really asked, and Adrian Zhekova actually answered yes, it would be awkward.

So, all Cindy Clarke could do was to obediently nod her head and make a sound of agreement.

Adrian Zhekova's heart softened to a mess because of her obedient look.

It seemed as though a feather was gently brushing over his heart.

He had an itch to raise his hand and ruffle her hair a couple of times.

Who knew that at this moment, the elevator door opened.

"Be careful on the road," Cindy Clarke reminded him.