Chapter 378: Your Acting Skills are So Good

Morgan: "..."

This trick only works on Cindy.

But Adrian Zhekova sees right through it!

"I didn't think I'd get this opportunity." Adrian Zhekova looks grateful and touched, "Cindy, let me try, please?"

Cindy's heart aches from his words, but she's also happy that he cares so much for Morgan.

Now all her attention is on Adrian Zhekova, not noticing Morgan's unwilling expression.

Cindy nods at Adrian: "Alright."

Adrian immediately says with joy: "You've been busy all day, go get some rest. I'll take care of Morgan."

Cindy nods, kisses Morgan on the forehead, and says, "Daddy will stay with you and tell you a story."

Morgan: "..."

How naive can Cindy be!

Fooling her so easily.

What will happen in the future!

Morgan can't help but look at Adrian Zhekova.

You're so good at acting, why not become an actor!

Adrian walks Cindy to the door, and she suddenly remembers, "How are you going to tell Morgan a story? Do you have any books?"