Chapter 386: He really wants to mess with this scumbag CEO's face.

But like Sheldon Rowland, despite everything, Cleave Roland wasn't thinking about quitting his job.

Because he knew, without Adrian Zhekova, he was nothing.

He didn't care whether the driver's job was respectable to talk about. It was the benefits that mattered to him.

"Uncle Cleave, are you married?" Morgan Zhekova asked again.

"..." Cleave Roland believed, even if Adrian hadn't previously taken a paternity test, Morgan was definitely a child of the Zhekova family.

Because, the Old Madam had asked him the same question before.

"No," Cleave Roland said, "I'm not married, I don't have a girlfriend, I'm single."

Morgan heaved a sigh of regret and shook his head: "Uncle Cleave, you're not getting any younger, you're already 26, you should sort out your personal issues."

Cleave Roland: "..."

"Look at my dad. Even though he's not married, look how grown up I am!" Morgan puffed out his chest with pride.

On this point, his father is winning!