Chapter 489: Coughing Up Blood Out of Anger because of Cindy Clarke (2 chapters combined)

So, was Cindy Clarke going to let it go?

But, looking at Cindy's attitude in the last competition, that didn't seem like her personality.

Then, they heard Cindy say: "Because of this competition, I'll directly eliminate her. No need to wait for the results."

"Of course, if the results show that Iris Doone was wronged by me, then I'll still withdraw from the race to express my apology," said Cindy.

Her words instantly choked off anything Iris was about to say.

Making it impossible for Iris to voice any of her thoughts.

"Iris Doone, do you have any objections to this?" Wesley Gordon asked Iris again.

Any objections?

Of course!

She didn't want to check those videos!

But Cindy had said everything she could say.

By strength, Cindy could eliminate her.

If the video couldn't provide evidence after checking, Cindy would apologize and withdraw from the race.

Which was the same as what they said before.