Chapter 742: Bah! Similar as your sister!

Wendy Clarke even took out a photo from her evening clutch.

It was just because of Adrian Zhekova's words earlier that she became nervous again.

Her voice trembled slightly when she spoke.

She tried to control her shaking hand while holding up the photo.

The photo wasn't big, just an ordinary size.

Only those nearby could see it clearly.

It would be invisible to people further away.

Wendy wished there was a big screen at the scene, so that everyone could see how shameful Mr. Lopez's image was.

But, it was good enough if Adrian could see it.

"It's this person." Wendy said.

She wasn't afraid of Mr. Lopez's revenge.

She relied on the fact that they were in Belfard and Mr. Lopez was far away in Nork City, so how could he know what was happening here?

By the time Mr. Lopez found out, he wouldn't be able to save himself.

Exposing Cindy Clarke.

Adrian would not protect Cindy then, but he wouldn't let Mr. Lopez go easily either.