Chapter 758: Clifford Wells' Inner Struggles

"What? Am I the kind of person who escapes from reality?" Clifford Wells immediately denied. At most, he temporarily left Belfard when they announced their good news one by one.

No, that's not running away.

That's called going on a business trip!

Clifford Wells happened to be sitting next to Cindy Clarke and leaned over to whisper to her, "Have you ever seen Adrian Zhekova drunk before?"

Cindy Clarke honestly nodded her head, "Adrian usually doesn't drink much even if there is a social engagement and he is very measured."

In fact, Adrian Zhekova has quite a few social engagements.

But most of them are arranged at noon, so he can come home on time at night.

Sometimes, if he can't fit them in and has to be at night, he doesn't drink much either.

When he comes home, all he can smell is a very faint alcohol scent.

That is only if you get close enough and sniff carefully.