Chapter 1053: Really Sounds Like Adrian Zhekova's Temper_1

Peggy Lewis slept well, she wasn't dreaming and the quality of her sleep was rather good.

Truth be told, the mattress at Lyke Zhekova's place was a lot more comfortable than the one she had bought for herself.

Suddenly her mobile phone rang, startling her awake.

Peggy Lewis was still rattled, her heart beating unusually fast.

Her mobile phone was still on the nightstand beside her.

The mobile phone kept ringing.

So Peggy Lewis picked it up.

Like Lyke, her eyes were struggling to adjust to the bright phone screen after being in the dark for a long time.

She squinted her eyes, barely making out the name on the screen.

It was Cindy Clarke.

Peggy Lewis found it strange; why was Cindy Clarke calling at this hour?

Meanwhile, Cindy Clarke glanced at Adrian Zhekova.

Adrian Zhekova shook his head in silence, indicating that there was no other sound from the mobile phone.

Cindy Clarke nodded, and about then, Peggy Lewis answered the call.