Chapter 1107: Full of Seeking Praise_1

Besides, there were many more teachers.

Just from people like Wesley Gordon, Cindy Clarke had already benefited greatly.

She wanted to have more interaction with the teachers.

That was the real reason she wanted to audit.

As for the graduation certificate from under the Pingla Academy, it wasn't too important for Cindy Clarke.

Cindy Clarke cast a glance at Adrian Zhekova.

Exactly because of Adrian Zhekova's presence, his support, she had the confidence.

Adrian Zhekova couldn't help but puff up his chest under her gaze.

Oh, how loving Cindy Clarke's gaze was.

In her eyes was a full approval of him.

This was a big motivation for Adrian Zhekova.

As long as he could get Cindy Clarke's approval, he felt he was doing a decent job as a husband.

At least he was passing.

However, Adrian Zhekova wanted to hear Cindy Clarke praise him aloud.

So he shifted slightly in his seat and asked her, "Why are you suddenly looking at me like this?"