Chapter 1282: What Have You Done?_1

"Nothing is entitled," Adrian Zhekova said indifferently, "including love. There is no such thing as obligatory love. You have to give to receive. You can't just reap without sowing. Even if you initially accept passively, if you accept without giving anything back, after a while, the other party will stop giving too."

"No matter who you are or when it is, this is an immutable fact. You didn't give her the love she deserved, where do you get off demanding that she give back to you without asking for anything in return, even repay your ill deeds with kindness? Even if she was hurt, she continues to love you. Even if she was manipulated, she continues to repay you. On this earth, I challenge you to find someone else like that. If you can do that, I might just call you my father-in-law and mother-in-law for the rest of my life."

"How dare you demand that Cindy Clarke do something that no one in this world can do?" Adrian Zhekova said coldly.