Chapter 1306: Turn Back and Apologize to Morgan Zhekova on My Behalf_1

Not only Adrian Zhekova, even the elders could not tolerate Ethan Zhekova's actions.

And this time, Ethan Zhekova's guilt was established beyond doubt, caught red-handed.

If they were going to punish Ethan Zhekova, then, by all means, punish him too.

His desire for power in the Zhekova Family was never a secret.

There's no guarantee that what Ethan Zhekova did wasn't driven by him behind the scenes.

Gabriel Zhekova quickly realized all of this.

At the same time, he felt a sense of injustice as well.

His ambition to overtake wasn't new, far from it.

For decades, he competed openly and never resorted to such underhanded means.

If the elders doubted him, it would truly hurt him.

If he wanted to use such underhanded means, he would have done it long ago, and wouldn't have waited until now.

Because of Ethan Zhekova, even his character is now being questioned.

However, Gabriel Zhekova knew it wasn't just because of that.

He admits that he has not performed well at Virtuoso.