Clue 547 Chapter Three (Thank you Alliance Hierarch EIvin2016 for the reward)

"Criminals? The era must be very distant, then? Is there still a way for people to enter and exit that space now?" Li Chengyi's question had a clear purpose—to understand why Paine had gone there in the first place. After all, that place was definitely not a haven of safety, and he even took so many people with him.

There had to be a reason.

"That's unclear, but I guess someone is definitely still tossing people into the Shadow Dragon Prison," Liedeman laughed.

"Without going into detail, our Hunter Headquarters and the Sunlight Council, when we encounter opponents too difficult to kill and resolve, will use some special and strange objects to throw them into these kinds of prison spaces. Actually, there isn't just one of these prisons."

"Understood...." Li Chengyi nodded, "Then, is there a way for us to freely enter and exit as well?"

"There's only one way for that, and that's to wait for it to open on its own," Liedeman shook his head.