Chapter 1: A Rude Awakening

"Awakening Prisoner 0439," announced a deep mechanical voice.

In a huge dark metallic room, an upright large tube filled with blue liquid sat in the middle, hooked up to multiple tubes and wires. Suspended within the blue liquid was a middle aged man with a large mechanical helmet covering his whole head. Wearing a straight jacket, he had various tubes connected to various parts of the body that constantly supplied him nutrients. With a loud thump, the mechanical helmet came to life. Little red lights blared across the helmet as it started to shake, electricity arcing all over it, shocking the man awake from his slumber.

The tube opened up abruptly, causing both the liquid and the man to fall out onto the ground. Coughing and stuttering, he grabbed the helmet and ripped it off his head, sending it slamming against the far wall. Struggling to catch his breathe, he coughed and gagged, as the liquid came ouf ot his mouth. He glared up at the ceiling, clearly very unhappy at his situation.

"Prisoner 0439, you have been given an offer to reduce your sentence by a thousand years. By taking up this offer, you will be designated to zone four to face off against the Falerians fifth battalion." The mechanical voice paused, letting its words sink in before resuming. "By refusing this offer, you will be forced to finish off the remainder of your sentence."

The man on the floor, after calming himself, stood up to his full height, a muscular and lean body was presented. His thick jawline, sharp features, dark red eyes, and brown hair, gave him a dark handsome look. "I accept", replied the man in a deep voice. 

In that instance, one of the walls pulled upwards, revealing a row of white armored clad soldiers aiming that rifles at the man. Once again, the mechanical voice switched on to make another announcement. "Prisoner 0439, codename: Vulture, has accepted the offer and will be provided with the equipment and armored mech to handle the operation."

The soldiers ran forward, surrounding him, with four placing large mechanical cuffs around his hands and ankles attached to long chains. The mechanical voice continued, but this time, assuring a warning. "If Vulture proceeds to break the agreement, or turn on the nation of Aldrin, the cuffs will forcibly explode wiping out all within a 2 kilometer range."

The soldiers proceeded to drag Vulture out of the room, still aiming their weapons at every part of his body. Not saying a word, he complied and followed along in silence, walking down a long corridor, adorned and filled with marble decorations.

As they walked, Vulture looked outside the windows, to see a wonderful vibrant city, bustling with life and joy. He could see a clear blue sky as far as the eye could see, and the calming sun, shining down upon the city. With a tug, the soldiers pulled Vulture back from his sightseeing, to reveal a large looming door before him. On both sides, were four guards, heavily armored to the teeth with with plasma weapons, glistening white heavy armor, and helmets that only revealed two small lenses for them to see out of.

The lead soldier in front of the group stepped forwards and nodded to the guards, watching the looming doors open. Inside was a humongous hall, with seats fashioned into levels and in a circle, all facing the door. At the very back, were four thrones, each designed in different colors and materials, yet one clearly stood out with its golden design and color. 

Sat atop the throne was a dashing man, with blonde hair and blue eyes. Dressed in a ceremonial outfit, the royal mantle adorned on him, made him all the more majestic. To his left, sat on a silver throne, a beautiful woman sat there similarly dressed, with long dark brown hair, and brown eyes. On either side, sat young adults, a boy and a girl, clearly the children of these two, and similarly dressed. Around the room, various people were dressed in fanciful outfits and others not so much. 

As Vulture had entered the room, they had all turned quiet, observing the man being dragged into the room. The soldiers, pulling the man into the center, they attached the long chains to hooks within the floor, preventing the man from moving whatsoever. As the people sat in silence staring at the man, a mechanical female voice announced over the speakers, "Prisoner 0439, codename: Vulture, has been released and brought here in accordance with the request of Operation: Annihilation."

As soon as the voice finished, there was the sound of immediate uproar as the various people stood up, clamoring and shouting. 

"Your majesty, you can't be thinking of releasing him onto the battlefield, surely?!"

"He has not repented or paid for his sins, this is far too early for him!"

 "What if he turns back around to bite us!?"

The voices and shouts got louder and louder, until the blonde haired man lifted his hand up, causing the room to go into complete silence. "I know what he has done and what he is fully capable of after all he is my cousin, and my only remaining one", said the blonde haired man. "But we are at our wits end."

He looked at each individual in the room, staring with intense anger. "Our frontlines have been decimated twice already, causing thousands of deaths, of not only soldiers, but regular pilots, and ace pilots alike."

His family looked at him in shock, as he continued. "I know my cousins abilities, and what fame he brought to my uncle at the time. Knowing his skills and how much of an expert he is, it would be a waste to leave him down there."

As various young people stood about about to protest, the blonde haired man, lifted his hand up, in a gesture to let him explain. "I know that there are various ace pilots, and soldiers alike that are eager to fill in, and go out to face the Falerians, but wouldn't it be better to kill two birds with one stone, seeing as how he will be put up for execution in a year. If he dies, he dies, but, if he lives and wins us the war, we banish him from Aldrin, allowing him to never return."

With that explanation, a lot of the anger, and complaints that the people had, had died down, with only a few remaining outraged at the idea. The blonde haired man turned to face Vulture, giving him a small smile. "So, Vulture, or should I call you cousin? Do you agree with my terms and conditions?"