
The giant city sized factory ship the Butcher, which is over 5 miles long trailed blood as it sailed the sea. Massive drag nets were dragged behind the massive ship, catching anything that were caught up in them. Where they be hurled up into the sorting bay of the ship, where workers on an assembly line would pick out the fishes and toss the waste catch onto convoy belts that took the too small, sick, or fish that can't be sold for one reason or another back into the sea. (1)

Some of the catch would be frozen into fish blocks that are blocks of ice filled with fishes, where they be kept in cold storage till they were needed for either selling to a port or if the ship needed to fill the quota. The rest would go to the processioning section of the ship. Where the workers sort out the fishes, gut them and take the good parts, while other fishes are sent to the canning section of the ship.

Smaller fishing boats sailed around the ship, some coming back from the shallows around islands for the ones that didn't have a port. Bringing back their catch to the mother ship Butcher of their fleet, unloading their cargo holds resupplying and heading back to catch more fish. Or for the ones heading to islands with ports, sell their goods and return to the Butcher with fresh supplies.

Just about everything is used from the bones being ground down into fish meal, which be used to feed farm animals. The fatty fishes would be pressed to extract most of the fish oil from them. The parts left that couldn't be sold and the blood are dump back into the sea where a trail of blood is left in the wake of the ship, attracting more fishes to the ship.

Which every now and then would attract a sea king to the ship, which would be slayed and brought in for processing. Depending on the size of the sea king, it would take several hours to days or even weeks to get the corpse process before it began to rot, and the bunching had to be stop. The entire workforce of the ship would work around the clock to get as much meat as they could before it rots away or other sea creatures get to it.

Currently the Butcher is dead in the water as the workforce went to work on a frog like sea king. Which was slayed by the niece of the owner of the ship. Showing how far she has gone from the weakling she was when she first got onboard the ship to what she is now.

"It's still not enough," a young woman said staring out of the window of the the main tower of the floating city where the ship's controls are located.

"What do you expect you only been training under me for a short time compared to Vampire for most of her life," her uncle the man who owns and had the Butcher built, the world noble Baron Sunday. (2)

"That magical item that pirate got his hands on. It made him more than a match for Vampire. The only reason she won is because she threw him into the ocean," his niece said.

"And is now trap underwater," Baron Sunday said.

"If he could become that powerful with a magical artifact. I can do the same and be more than a match for Vampire," the young woman said.

"Even if you do find magical items it's unlikely it will grant you the same power as that pirate Joke gain," Baron Sunday said.

"I know but as world nobles we can easily get people to search for us. And Vampire will know me, Dana Dearden as her mistress," Dana said.

"You're really have an obsession with her," Baron Sunday said.

"Obsession is right, I can't get her off of my mine," Dana said.

"If you really want her so bad it's not like she wouldn't say no to having sex," Baron Sunday said.

"I don't want her just to be a fuck toy, I want to dominate her and have her submissive of me. And for her crew, well I can add them as well," Dana said thinking of what it be like being in a pile with her Vampire and her crew all seeking to please their mistress.

"I would had thought that with you being with me that you would get some idea how to act with people who aren't nobles of any kind. You can't just force Vampire to be yours," Baron Sunday said. "She is the grand daughter of Garp after all and calls both Kong and goat boy uncle. You'll be breaking the rules that all the other world nobles follow."

"Then how would I do it then?" Dana ask.

"Make her fall in love with you and she'll be yours," Baron Sunday said.

"Make her fall in love with me?" Dana ask thinking of the very idea of love. (3)

"Do you actually just want to have sex with her or just have her like so many others? You're not the first world noble who wants Vampire, mostly to have then need. Like how Paul after he got that golden... whatever it was art thing. Everyone else wanted one themselves, bigger and costing more. I made an effort to be able to understand people and not think I'm a god and don't need to understand anything. Like the rest of our family," Baron Sunday said.

"I've been learning," Dana said.

"Well when we finally catch up with her. Spend sometime with Vampire and see how you really feel and not just want her, just because. Like the rest of the world nobles, who only want something because it's not theirs and lose interest just as quickly," Baron Sunday said.

"I will try uncle," Dana said.


Dreadful Wale -

"We're almost to Arabasta," Silk said to the rest of the crew as she came down to lower decks to join the others for dinner. Carmen made a thin stew made of fish, vegetables, prawns, coconut milk, and four kinds of rice.

"About time," Max said eating her bowl of stew.

"It feels like we been sailing to that place for months," Pelican said.

"We have because we have been stopping by every port that's out of the way just so you all can have fun at the local whore house," Silk deadpanned.

"What, I stop by those places whenever I'm sailing around here," Vampire said gulping down her bowl of stew.

"And have orgies. I mean you have sex with all those women, even the married ones," Silk said.

"It's not like their husbands minded," Carmen said.

"And you all joining in as well," Silk eyeing the rest of the crew.

"So?" Max ask.

"We spent a week at the last port just so you all could have sex with all those women," Silk said.

"Time well spent," Vampire said.

"And we did save them from that pirate raid and they wanted to show us how grateful they are," Pelican said.

"Sex, sex, sex is that all you girls think about?" Silk ask irritated.

"You could join in instead of just sulking," Vampire said.

"I'm not into that," Silk said.

"Its a great way to get rid of stress," Vampire said.

"I'm fine," Silk said.

"So what are we looking for in Arabasta?" Pelican ask.

"My brothers," Vampire said.


Author's Notes -

1 - Seeing how the world of One Piece doesn't follow logic, I'm going with a city size ship sailing around with no problems in how the ship can even get over the Red Line, seeing how in cannon the series doesn't cover how that's done either. Not to mention how they're even built in the first place, like how can giant massive doors be built in the middle of the sea that reaches to the heavens.

2 - Base on the Superman villain, Baron Sunday. He was a Metropolis crimelord and Serial Killer who killed people using voodoo. He fought Superman, and took him down at least once with a voodoo attack while he was already in a weakened state from another fight. His mysterious murders were the subject of a great deal of investigation from the Metropolis Special Crimes Unit. He was eventually defeated by Gangbuster, who tracked him down, fought off his magic spells, kicked his butt and dumped him off at the police station. A later encounter with Superman would leave him trapped in a coma from which he has yet to awaken.

3 - The world nobles are emotionally stunted and unable to understand things that normal people don't need to have explained to them.
