True Vision

Yuga scanned the new formation and reckoned that's exactly what it was a new formation that they wished to test against a team they presumed to be stronger than them, though it wasn't bad at all if anyone asked him. They had a solid back line that could handle themselves from his experience and leaving Xu Ao in the middle would cause problems for any striker, the middle could use work but once they tried the formation enough it would jell and the front row was fine, from what he remembers Yuga recons that Left-wing was the most suitable position for Uri anyway, and Kai would be a problem if he has gotten visibly better.

  At least that's what the old Yuga might have thought, he couldn't afford to acknowledge them now that he was ahead, he needed to show his growth without overdoing it as no one likes a try hard, not with his current physical condition at least. The B team was to pass first and Kai sent it back to Jude who quickly sent it to Kaleb; He then sent it across to Uri who had made his run.

  Yuga: (I don't believe these guys... It's so fucking obvious)

  Off the Jump the A team knew exactly what was up and seemed glad that they didn't have to explain it to Yuga, they noted that Yuga was the first to notice. No one bothered stopping his run and Hunter broke out to cover Kai leaving the rest in formation with Yuga tracking back a few steps to even out the space. Uri, however, didn't force a cross to Kai and it went to Bo-lin who was at the penalty spot, however, Tantai got it first and passed it up to Yuga on his first touch before moving up behind Yuga.


Yuga moved the ball upfield down the right side, Han Rujin moved up to challenge the ball and both Yank Kai and Jude covered on either side to prevent escape. Yuga first tried to dribble in but Han Rujin matched his pace and went in for the standing tackle, Yuga then doubled his pace and made a sharp right turn on Han Rujin's outer side and broke past successfully however he was now facing Yang Kai.


Yuga stopped not too far in front of Yang Kai and rolled the ball back as if setting the ball for Tantai but Jude was already covering that option feeling confident Yang Kai moved in to prevent a rushed pass back to Yuga, Team B had sprung Their first trap. Yuga however flicked the ball forward and struck it with his knee so it would fall nicely on his left foot, he rolled the ball through Yang Kai's legs mid-stride and broke past with ease dribbling the ball down the wing.


At this time Vergus was already in the Box and Hunter was running at an equal pace as Yuga down the middle with Tantai going back to Their box to cover, Jude prioritized chasing down Yuga to prevent a cross of any sort; reading his intention Kaleb was on Hunter, and the three defenders blocked off the passing route to Vergus, the B team had sprung Their second trap and cut off all options.


Yuga: (I'm disappointed) {eyes begin to glow} (that you allowed yourselves to have such an obvious weak point that wasn't within the scope of your planning)


Yuga suddenly changed pace and made a diagonal run towards goal catching everyone off guard, everyone in the B team at least, Kaleb closed in his Mark suspecting a layoff to Hunter but it didn't happen, Yuga ran across Hunter to the left-most side of the field, seemingly knowing his intention Vergus also broke left drawing the entire defence that way to block of a through ball.

Once Yuga was just outside the box on the left side he faked a pass to Vergus to tighten the defence's mark and chipped the ball ever so slightly guiding the ball to his left side when Yuga adjusted his stance his intention was clear to everyone on the field both A team and B team, the entire right side of the field was open, which also included the goal post.

Yuga attempted a volley to the right side of the field with his left foot but Kai suddenly slid into a perfect position to block him off and guide the ball to the keeper Team B's third and final trap was sprung and it seemed Team A finally fell for If only they did. Yuga guided the ball right faking the volley and letting Kai slide past him and sent a right-footed heel shot towards goal and scored the opening point for the first Youth Team.

  Yuga: { eyes stop glowing} I see further into the future than you think Kai, gambling on the off chance I hadn't seen this yet was a naïve play for a playmaker of your level

  Kai: [flinches with a shocked look on his face]

  Yuga: you didn't think it was a secret did you?? because I knew, back then in the trial it wasn't a tactical battle between me and Jude ... It was a battle of playmakers between me... and You [walks towards the other half]

  Xu Ao: [ Walks up to Kai] I was right wasn't I??

  Kai: Yup... he knew... even back then he knew


8 months prior


During the Trial matches half-time



Yuga: We start the second half off so here's the plan, from the jump Their centre striker has been trying to draw our keeper out to make a drop-off pass to Their Am but I've always had someone there so that he couldn't

  Xu Ao: what does he have to do with anything??

  Yuga: He is The second playmaker, the main reason we will lose this match

  Xu Ao: why are we planning to Lose??

  Yuga: Because we don't have the stamina to win and I'm up against two tactically acute playmakers. We are risking it all and making diagonal passes to the left until the ball gets to me; I will draw in Their players and Lay it off to Chao Gan, Ao'er this is when you begin your run, Chao Gan will make one more pass before the ball is sent back to Mori, your Job is to interrupt that pass to Mori and dribble wide, then cross to me, I will take the ball up and cross near the keeper... I expect Mori to face his brother In an aerial battle but send the ball to Bo- Lin who will be beside you. Bo-Lin will then take the volley and someone will block it after realizing what is going on

  Xu Ao: What happens then??

  Yuga: this is where the risk comes in, I will predict where the volley will land and send in another cross...I expect our keeper to be there to make them think it is our last card, it will likely be blocked off by Kai being Their second playmaker and guided to Jude, I just need to cut off that link up and score from there and it would be our second goal

  Xu Ao: If we are doing this we can't afford to mess up

  Yang Kai: that was never in question, it's all or nothing from here so let's just do it

  Recruits: yeah!!!!



Present Day


The practice Match between the A team and B team was over and the A team had won 10 - 0 with each member scoring twice. Under Yuga's playmaking, even the goalkeeper got not one but two goals from an aerial battle that seemed in any other case unfathomable, it was a one-sided undisputed thrashing with no good points to look at for the B team; to make it worse, they used barely half a team to do it. The others had left the pitch leaving Jude, Kai, and the recruits to talk to Yuga before he officially left for the A team.

  Kai: How did you know??

  Yuga: I gave a half-assed reason before but I'll be straightforward now... You commanded too much authority on the field to be a player as regular as you were trying to look and those plays weren't commanded by Jude as his points of focus were elsewhere altogether...besides you, Caleb was the only one close to being an effective playmaker and back then he wasn't developed enough to confidently try it just yet so it was you pulling the strings

  Xu Ao: why didn't you tell us about it then??

  Yuga: Because then he would have been aware that he was my focus for when I played against you all on the side of the A team, and yes I picked the plays I did to get specific people promoted to the B team for the revenge match

  Kai: how is that even possible???

  Yuga: [eyes glow intensely] I told you, Kai... I see a lot further ahead than you could ever imagine, and I don't half-ass any plan I make, not even one

  Xu Ao: what's your plan from here??

  Yuga: I plan to perform so well in the off-season tournament that I would have to be selected for the Japanese youth team for the under-18 World Cup Next year

  Xu Ao: In that case, I will prepare to face you there as your mark

  Yuga: [Soft chuckle] In that case try not to fall too far behind, or I will make a spectacle of you like today

  Jude: Tell me how you do it... How do you control how others perceive the field??

  Yuga: figure it out and maybe then you will be a bit closer to being worthy of my rivalry

  After a bit of casual chat, Yuga said his goodbyes and walked off, unless they got stronger he would not be turning back to assist them, if they wanted his help they would have to get stronger on their own and carve out a path of Their own that is worthy of being compared to his, though it seemed an old opponent of his has done so already seeing as he will be promoted next season, there is now every chance either Kaleb or Uri would be demoted to team C next season for him. more than anyone Yuga was looking forward to seeing him again soon.