Chapter 3

part 1

It was rather a few days after the whole robot incident when we were suddenly greeted to a knock on our door

as i opened it i was greeted to see a man in a black suit he then said

"Todays the day"

and i then realized what he was truly saying

the man then escorted us to a black van

the man then put blindfolds in and put in earmuffs playing that one new annoying song young people were always listening to,

after a little while the van stopped and the guys removed the earmuffs and blindfolds,

i was then surprised to see it was the headquarters it may be in a different location but its still the same, the man in the suit then told us to follow him and no asking questions

as we entered the building we were greeted with busy people on computers and other busy office stuff.

unlike now the place used to be like some office sitcom, heroes and staff members goofing around, the sight of other heroes chugging coffee

and the usual sitcom office stuff.

anyways we then entered an elevator leading to an underground floor we then headed to a door labeled Superior office, when we entered we were then greeted to more busy workers when then headed to a door labeled supervisor's office

as we both entered we were then greeted to

someone ive known for to be exact, a very long time, it was my old boss the super visor hes the guy who has the job in giving the heroes tasks and giving notices about crimes and stuff but anyways.

He then greeted us the usual long time no see stuff,

he then told me that my suspension of using my power was already up and that i can now retrieve it back alongside giving my partner his own power,

he then turned to to cash and explained the usual things on how powers work and how we retrieve them the usual stuff supervisors tell us.

basically what he says is that powers will be given depending on how it fits them or their pesonalities so basically he gives us a power vile and injects the liquid into our bodies which then develops into a power depending on our compatibility and how it reflects ourselves

in special occasions they hand out fully formed powers when they have already found a match for them, considering the fact that naturally forming powers are technically impossible the occupation of hero or superhero can only ne obtained when a certain individual has the qualities on becoming one with or without the intent of using powers so anyways aside from those facts.

the supervisor then calls out someone,

as the specific person went inside it was a scientist holding a case, as he opened the case it revealed 2 power vials a red one which was mine and a green one which was cash's,

the scientist then tells cash that you will never know what you get and if he gets a completely useless one he's totally fucked

and he then also tells that it usually takes a few hours for the power to show signs of the power, and he then puts the vial in a specially made injection, he then first injects cash then me.

after all that the supervisor then said

"Welcome back"

part 2

after all that commotion the supervisor then explained i can go back to how things were

all those years back, he then tells us we can head off and the guys in the black suits will explain the rest

as we arrived back home one of the men in the black suits gave us some sort of communications device and explains that since the headquarter's location is a secret we can only recieve orders or communication through this,

the guy proceedes to leave,

as i placed the thing inside it was roughly the size of a simple computer anyways i booted it up and

i noticed i had immediately recieved a message

as i opened it, it was a number.

i pulled out the phone and called it

and the person who answered was some sort of a task giver or something the person then explained that no crimes have been reported so he gives us the task on training with our newfound powers on the mean time.

A few hours have past and i have started to feel

a powerful sense as i remembered on how to enable my power i quickly ignited the red flames on my hands and thus i have reawakened my power


my power can make he hit and punch with more damage and destruction, my power can also be directed to other body parts to do other stuff like head butting, kicking, biting and even scratching

and also the red flames show up when the directed body part is using it.

so far so good i can still use my power as good as before, considering the fact im a veteran hero

now anyways with me still have mastered my power even though i havent used it in years

im now officially back.

and as for cash no new changes yet the only thing he has noticed is that he can sense things now, hes been saying stuff like ive been dodging tiny pieces of debris in the air for a while,

im pretty convinced he has some sort of psychic type power.

the next night approached and we were notified of a robbery happening on the a bank, but the guy said cash must take this job alone

due to being his first solo mission, i accept amd cash went on.

a after a while i recieved a call from the task guy he told me that cash suddenly activated his other power as well, he explained that during the robbery when cash jumped down an alleyway to corner the robbers he suddenly started floating midfall he then starting flying around until he deactivated his power at a low height surprisingly enough he landed on the robbers and ended up breaking their bones.

as i was in midcall suddenly cash crashed into the house making a hole in the wall,

turns out not only he has enhanced sense he can fly and also has super strength apparently he cant control his newfound powers yet and as the task giver overheard this conversation he told me to train him and he then hangs up the call.

part 3

as cash walked tpwards menwith thay usual dissapointed face in his he told me, the door is broken and then heads off to his room again breaking the damn door,

this then cost me a few hundred bucks to fix

but anyways the next night i started training him

to control his newfound powers he then mastered how to fly and use his sensing more efficiently unfortunately for him nothing can help

to the fact he keeps on destroying any wall he walks into, so the only thing i have in mind is that

i have to call atleast someone so i have no choice but to call someone specifically one of the few remanining heroes in new york.

i then decided to call a hero it may take him a while to arrive but if its anything to stop holes in the walls i'll do anything, later that night

the doorbell rang as i opened it was the hero

Fulcan to be exact we go a long way back,

we used to fight off criminals alongside with our sidekicks back then, he doesnt have any powers

but has great skill.

since then it has been a few hours since cash has been training with fulcan, surprisinfly enough his teaching was effective, dont know how he does it but cash's now getting the hang of it

after all that he can now nove around without making any holes, but the thing is he still cant control his hands damaging door knobs and anything he touches.

it was then the second day of training he finallt got the hang of his hands, with the help of fulcan of course.

since then it has been easy work for me and cash,

it has been already 6 days since that training session and so far so good weve been doing great.

taking out criminals have been an easy task

now that we have powers, transportation is no longer needed since i can just grab on to cash

and at this point on cash can now fly at the speed of a motorcycle

and for me ive still got it like before.

it was all fun and games until, we recieved a certain message from the communications device and to our shock it was from none other than Dr.Evil Himself.

the message was to meet him at one of the high rise buildings in the east coast so we went there that night.

as we slowly went up the building we saw

Dr.Evil with what shows to be a hostage.