It's all down hill from here...

8th of September 2010

As the sun cast its early morning rays over the sleepy town, the familiar sight of students pouring into the school grounds marked the beginning of another ordinary day at Crestwood High.

Little did they know that within the seemingly mundane routines of school life, a shadowy presence lurked, one that would soon disrupt their world in unimaginable ways.

Our story begins as the school's heavy double doors swing open, welcoming a sea of students with backpacks slung over their shoulders, laughter echoing through the corridors, and friendships forged over countless years.

Among them, unaware of the impending storm, is Mason Manish, whose life is about to take a dark and unexpected turn. A girl watched on with a smile, a transfer student with black long hair.

Crestwood Secondary, a formidable institution nestled amidst the heart of the town, is a striking blend of tradition and modernity. Its imposing red-brick façade, adorned with ivy climbing the walls, carries an air of age-old dignity. Tall, arched windows dot the exterior, allowing natural light to flood into its hallowed halls.

Upon entering through its grand double doors, one is greeted by a spacious atrium adorned with polished marble floors and an elegant chandelier that casts a warm, inviting glow. The walls of the school are lined with portraits of past principals and distinguished alumni, a testament to its rich history.

The classrooms, a place where knowledge blooms, are well-equipped with modern technology while preserving the charm of classic wooden desks and chalkboards. Down the labyrinthine corridors, lockers stand like sentinels, holding the secrets and dreams of countless students.

The school's expansive courtyard boasts an array of vibrant flowers and neatly trimmed hedges, a tranquil oasis where students often gather during breaks. At the heart of the courtyard stands a statue of the school's founder, a reminder of the institution's enduring legacy.

Crestwood Secondary is more than just a place of learning; it's a community where lifelong friendships are forged, where dreams are nurtured, and where, unbeknownst to its students, an ominous presence is about to shatter the tranquillity of their everyday lives.

The transfer student looked on and thought Mason was cute but she just looked on. She wore the classic school uniform with an effortless grace. A crisp white blouse, neatly tucked into a pleated navy skirt, accentuated her poised demeanour.

A scarlet tie hung elegantly around her neck, completing the look. Her confident gaze hinted at a world of hidden ambitions behind those studious eyes.

Her appearance exuded a timeless charm. With chestnut hair cascading in gentle waves around her shoulders, she possessed an air of natural beauty.

Her almond-shaped hazel eyes sparkled with curiosity, framed by long, dark lashes. A sprinkle of freckles adorned her cheeks, adding a touch of youthful innocence to her poised elegance.

She approached Mason and as he got to his locker, she spoke, "Hello, my name is, Freida," She smiled cutely and Mason felt hypnotized, "My name is Mason." She continued, "I would like to get to know you, see you later."

She walked off. Mason smiled as she walked away. Someone, tall dark skin appeared behind Mason, he donned the school's classic uniform, though with a distinct flair of casual nonchalance.

The white shirt, slightly rumpled, was half-tucked into his navy trousers, revealing a laid-back attitude. His loosely knotted scarlet tie and his buzzcut hinted at a playful spirit beneath the traditional exterior.

"First day and you already have someone who wants you." Mason turned around to look at this person, "Shut up, Nathaniel." Nathaniel started to laugh at this, "Come on, you want her, I can tell, there's something between you." Mason then repeated the same two words, "Shut up." He laughed again.