
They discussed a bunch of things, some good, some bad but they went to lessons. Mason went to his set 3 maths class along with Luke, Joseph and John. They were spread out amongst the front and middle row but none of them were in the back row.

Mason looked up and took notes of what the teachers said and most of the class did. Luke tried to talk to the girls around him but it was clear they didn't want to speak to him. They found him very annoying.

A girl took notes of Luke, Joseph and John but none on Mason. She then wrote, "Luke, is annoying the girls in the class. Number 1." She smiled a bit as she wrote.

She then continued to write in her other workbook what the teacher was saying. She then looked at her intel book. 'Luke lives on Shakespeare Avenue. He is the only one who lives on that street, the street is abandoned. A white 5'9 and a half male. He does rugby training on Thursdays from 7.30 to 9.30 pm. Luke plays for Widden Old Boys RFC. He walks from practice to his house. He lives on the very end. Which is a 5-minute walk. The road has no cameras.'

She flipped the page and put the notebook in her bag, then continued to pay attention to the rest of the lesson. School ended and Mason and the rest of the 8 did their usual walk along the high street but this time, Mason spoke, "Who wants to go shops with me?"

Luke along with Matthew and Joseph decided to come along. They walked in and Mason inquired about what they were going to buy and with a smile Matthew spoke first, "Borbourn creams and a KA strawberry." Luke didn't respond but Joseph did, he picked up a packet of doughnuts and some crisps, "Donuts and crisps."

Luke suddenly stopped thinking as soon as he heard doughnuts, "Swing me one when we get out." Joseph looked from the other side of the store and laughed, "You're a funny guy." They paid for their items and left.

Soon Mason went home a couple minutes

after the 5 who didn't go into the shop with

him and as soon as Mason got home, he went to the living room. He sat down and saw his younger sister watching TV, as he walked to the kitchen to grab a plate of rice and stew. He walked back to the living room and ate his meal.

"I heard about what happened on the news. Did you know her?" Mason sighed at her question before blowing the rice and eating it, "Yeah, it was such a shame. She was nice too." She went back to watching television as Mason finished his food.

He walked back to his room and lay there a bit saddened, There was chemistry, she was cute and beautiful and they matched. Mason sat up and thought what if it wasn't random? What if she was targeted because she was here? The possibilities flowed through the 15-year-old's mind.

9th of September 2010

It was 9.35 and Old Widden RFC had gone a bit over the time, that they were supposed to and Luke walked out as he heard someone say, "Best Full-back." Luke chuckled as he walked from the large Rugby onto the streets. Luke walked for 20 minutes and now he was just 5 minutes away.

Luke had a massive duffel bag slung over his shoulder, filled with his rugby gear. It was heavy even for him. Luke walked as a white van with tinted windows pulled up beside him. He turned his head to look. Foolish mistake. Luke saw a bottle of pepper spray in front of his eyes.

Luke closed his eyes as the pepper spray seared his eyes. Luke tried to run but he fell over onto the front and then started to roll before going on his back where he screamed in pain. He was still in the middle of the street for two hundred metres.

Luke's father opened the front door with a baseball bat and ran at the murderer. Luke was still shouting, as his dad covered hundred metres in 20 seconds. Adrenaline pumping. The murderer who was wearing a black latex suit, gloves and a pink bunny mask, drove in the white van away with the windows rolled up.

"Luke. I got you, you're safe. Try to get to your feet." Luke's father grabbed his son's hand and tried to help him to his knees. He led the hurt Luke into the house as his mum prepared wet towels for his face.