Chapter49-Vampire Baron

As the shrill scream reverberated, agony contorted Olynda's face. 

He desperately tried to withdraw his arm, but it seemed as though something inside gripped him with formidable strength.

"Damn it, I knew it wasn't right!" Carlos Bartel urgently commanded, "Quick, help Olynda out!"

Before his order even fully resonated, the other guards had already lunged towards Olynda, pulling at his trapped arm with all their might.

A sharp crack resounded, and Olynda, freed, staggered back, collapsing heavily. 

What followed was a harrowing scream, so visceral that many of the students couldn't help but look away in horror.

Glancing at Olynda's wrist, they saw a gory scratch, the skin torn away, revealing the raw flesh beneath - a nauseating sight.

"Dammit, there's something inside that coffin!"

Panicking, Olynda exclaimed, "Don't open it any further!"

However, it was too late.