
The Butterfly Fae possessed formidable attack power, further enhanced by its magical nature, rendering shields relatively ineffective against it. 

Nick instinctively switched weapons, planning to suppress the Butterfly Fae with continuous assaults.

Using the speed boost gained from his invisibility, Mike managed to circle behind the Butterfly Fae before it could unleash another skill.

Meanwhile, Howard and Abby's counterattacks came swift and relentless. 

A frost arrow struck the Butterfly Fae, momentarily stiffening its movements. Almost simultaneously, a massive fireball bore down upon it.

The collision of fire and ice triggered an Elemental Reaction. With a deafening explosion, the incredible force sent the Butterfly Fae hurtling backwards.



Two starkly contrasting damage figures emerged, causing a drastic drop in the Butterfly Fae's health bar.

Such is the dominance of high-tier equipment.