
Changing direction meant that all of Wales' previous efforts were in vain, and he had to recalibrate the route all over again.

Even though Wales possessed an exceptional Invisibility skill, it was impossible to keep the entire team constantly under the state of invisibility. 

Additionally, the unknown map was barely cleared of monsters, resulting in their abundant presence.

Fortunately, Athena had wisely chosen to bring along archers and magi, all equipped with impressive AOE skills, making them well-prepared to handle the situation.

Meanwhile, Howard couldn't help but feel secretly delighted. 

He didn't have to lift a finger, yet he was able to share in the rewards and even get his hands on high-level monster loot. It was like living a dream!

The only downside was that the Mordun Wasteland was considered a high-level map, with even the weakest monsters being at least LV70.