Chapter206-News from the Obscured Celestial Realm

Pretending to be unconscious, Howard quietly extended his soul, hoping to glean some information from the conversations of the soldiers. 

Unfortunately, they were hurriedly making their way, and even during their brief rests, there was little talk, leaving Howard unable to gather any useful information.

It was only when they encountered a group of mounted travelers that the soldiers stepped forward, declared their identities, and requisitioned the horses and carriages. 

This interaction revealed to Howard the identity of the young girl he had saved.

She was the sole daughter of the Lord of Stormwind City!

Beyond this, Howard learned nothing more. 

He couldn't keep pretending to be unconscious, especially not when arriving at Stormwind City Lord's Manor. 

Facing the city lord directly while feigning unconsciousness would risk exposing his true identity.