Chapter211-The Benefits of Different Systems

Soft warmth and delicate fragrance enveloped Howard, yet his heart remained still, devoid of emotional turbulence. 

He understood that his involvement with this girl was purely utilitarian, tinged with a hint of guilt.

"Do not worry. When they come again, I shall strike unexpectedly, catching them off guard. I am certain I can rescue you from this place."

Howard offered comfort, and Aurelia nodded incessantly.

At that moment, however, a scoffing laugh followed by a series of coughs echoed from nearby.

"Who's there?"

Aware of the presence of someone still breathing in the adjacent room, Howard was not surprised. 

He had not probed earlier; if someone was feigning death, it was of no concern to him. 

Now that the person had made a sound, it indicated a willingness to communicate.

As expected, a feeble voice soon emanated from the other side: "Thinking of leaving this place?"

"You might be overly optimistic!"