Chapter240-The Death of Sedge

"Who are you?" Sedge, failing to find Kellman, turned his puzzled gaze towards Howard.

He quickly recognized him as the man from the portrait provided by Kaedwyn.

"Where's Kellman?"

He didn't take Howard seriously, considering him an insignificant figure, not worth his concern.

In his mind, the real mastermind was Kellman, the deputy leader of the Frostwolf Mercenaries.

This audacious man had not only dared to interfere with Kaedwyn's business but had also extended his reach towards Sedge himself.

Unforgivable, he thought.

Kellman must die.

No, the entire Frostwolf Mercenaries must be wiped out.

Sedge had heard that Kellman was busy with the reconstruction of his mercenary group today.

'Heh,' Sedge thought, 'when he returns, I'll have everyone who wants to join the Frostwolf Mercenaries arrested.'

Howard's lips curled into a smile that made Sedge feel uncomfortable.