Chapter415-A Humiliating Defeat

Pausing momentarily, Blindman opened his mouth to speak, "I don't want to—"

His words were cut short, interrupted by a somewhat crisp low sound as the stick, driven by the force of the blurred figure's wrist, traced a straight arc, skimming past Blindman's neck.

The last thing Blindman heard was a whispering sound, akin to the wind.

His vision spun, the world turning over until it succumbed to darkness.

"Unfortunately, I don't want to listen." 

The figure seemed to smile, but the cruelty in that laughter sent shivers down Howard's spine.

He recognized who the blurred figure was, although he was loath to admit it.

Such a drastic change in demeanor could only mean she had concealed her true nature exceptionally well before.

"Shop... shopkeeper?"

Howard attempted to utter the title, but his voice faltered, unable to flow smoothly.

He was, understandably, a bit shaken.