
Sometimes, God allows crazy things happen for a reason .

Rachel's POV

"Nice," I conveyed, taking in the sight before me after he ushered me into the VIP suite of the hotel he was staying at. It was the size of Debby and I's new apartment back in New York.

"You like it?" Lorenzo inquired as he shrugged off his coat which I had eyed skeptically from the moment I saw it. The weather wasn't cold to require one.

"It's lit," I nodded, turning away to view the space. We were in the living room. A long blue couch sat at the center, with 2 singular ones on each side of it facing the huge TV on the light yellow painted wall.

"One really needs money to live huh?" I asked and faced him with a small smile, the sun shining from the opened windows that let natural air in.

"I guess." He replied like it was no big deal and skidded his fingers through his hair as he strode past me.

"Oh sorry, I forgot you were born with a silver spoon," I uttered and that stopped him in his tracks.

"Are you judging me right now?" He inquired, a brow raised as he peered at me.

"Sorry," I mumbled, feeling uncomfortable under his gaze as it held a message and emotion I couldn't comprehend.

"It's fine," he immediately smiled though his eyes still held such gloom. He whirled around and trudged to one of the 2 brown mahogany doors to my left. "Give me a minute, I just need to change."

With that, he opened the door, and I saw a glimpse of a large bed before the barrier was shut behind him. In his absence I released a breath I didn't know I was holding and scratched the base of my curls, forgetting I had made it into a loose knot.

The strands came cascading down and I moaned in defeat as I heard a snap. The red band I had used to hold it in place dropped on the white tiles. Shaking my head, I allowed my feet to drag me around.

It was a hotel suite so there were no personal belongings to glimpse, though, I wasn't necessarily scooping for one. Moments later, I found myself on the balcony and stared up at the sky.

A small breeze rustled my hair as the sun hit my face. I didn't bother to close my lids at the rays as I enjoyed the vast blue space of the sky and a few white clouds. The suite was a floor below the top floor so the sky wasn't shaded by the other tall buildings in the city.

Not wanting the beauty of the sky to go to waste I decided to capture it, happy I had found a new wallpaper. I was a sucker for natural beauties like that as 50% of the photos in my gallery were filled with pictures of the sky, birds, flowers, and other rare sights that come into my view.

My little brother had always told me if all else fails, I should venture into photography and the truth was that he wasn't wrong. Debby had even told me once or twice I should try selling such photos.

I fished out my phone and clicked away at the sky. After a few shots, I began taking selfies I might end up posting. I loved social media, nonetheless, I tried to be as secretive as I could about my personal life.

Posting pictures online was a must for me, rather I didn't make it obvious of my location, or who I was with. I liked to keep the world guessing as it made me feel cool and mysterious. Weird, I know.

Most times when I'm out with people, I choose to take pictures of our feet or fingers or glasses or a blurred photo, you know things like that. Most of the photos on my Instagram wall were filled with pictures of dresses I'd designed and random things like books I'd read, the view, mirror selfies, and other simple stuff.

Angling the phone to choose a better position for the selfie, I beamed as I found a spot where the sun hit me and made my face bright. I took the first shot with a smile, the second with my tongue out, and was about to take the third when a pair of hands came around my midriff, and a face was buried in my neck.

"What's stopping you? Take a picture," he murmured, his voice vibrating on my skin as his bare upper half was pressed to my back, such that I felt his body heat.

Gulping, I did as told, the phone in my palm releasing a clicking noise. At that he lifted his head, both of us now peering at the screen. He made a silly expression which prompted me to gawk at him in confusion, only to hear another click.

"Did you just--" I began in shock but decided not to waste my energy anyway. "Why am I bothered? It's my phone anyway."

His palm tightened on my waist as a kiss landed on my neck, provoking a shudder. "You know you won't delete it."

"Who says?" I countered, aiming to sound firm though the sensation of his lips, as it moved to my collarbone, was playing with my brain coordination. "It's my p--."

"Shhhh," he cut me off, his palms spreading on the revealed skin of my abdomen. His index fingers made their way into the waistband of my sweatpants as he pressed his front closer to my behind. 

"Don't shush m-" I tried to argue.

"I said so," he stated, his tone going deeper as his hand went lower, this time to the waistband of my panties. I couldn't control my breathing anymore, more so as his teeth lightly grazed my neck. "So you better obey."

Summoning all the strength and willpower I could find, I pushed my body away from his and walked away, not allowing my mind to dwell on the hardness I felt by that action.

I scrambled to the closest couch which was one of the single ones and got seated. Clamping my lids, I tried to ration my breathing while I gave myself a pep talk.

"What are you doing?" His question interrupted my efforts and my eyes flashed open to see him smirking down at me in only black Adidas sweatpants. I watched as he got seated on the long couch to my right.

"I thought the last scene of the movie you were shooting was supposed to be 2 days from today," I blurted the first thing that came to mind and was thankful it didn't end up being pure gibberish.

"Yeah, I got a call at 6 a.m. saying they were changing the location to Vegas and moving up the date of filming," he explained, his grey eyes raking down my body as hunger for a different kind of food danced in them. "I'm happy though, It'll give me a few days to prepare for the handover of my Dad's company coming up in about a week."

"So that's true," I spoke, recalling the news that circulated about a month ago.

"Yes," he asserted, his index finger drumming on the armrest, the same index finger that found its way into--

Come off it Rachel,' my subconscious scolded and I was grateful for her being smarter than me.

"Speaking of which, you'll need to meet my family before then. If that's okay with you," he said after some seconds. 

"Don't worry, I understand," I declared, nodding.

"What about your family?" He implored. "Have you told them?"

"Not yet," I answered. "I will soon."

"Okay," he uttered. Silence reigned for a while and he took the opportunity to just gawk at me.

Clearing my throat, I avoided eye contact, feeling exposed under his intense stare as desire pooled in their depths. In need of something to say I let out. "About last night."

"What about it?" He asked, his head angled to the side.

"Do you remember what happened?" I implored, intertwining my fingers in my lap as I felt nervous all of a sudden.

"Yes, vividly," he declared and I gaped at him in surprise.

"Were you even drunk?" I inquired, eyes wide in shock.

"I was," he affirmed.

"Then how--"

"I have a retentive memory so I remember things I do even when completely wasted," he explained and I slowly bobbed my head.

"Oh," I clamored, eying my hands. "Umm, can you tell me exactly what happened?"

He smiled and leaned forward in his seat. "No problem, but first, let's start with what you remember."

"Okay, that's easy." I beamed, relief flooding through me which I didn't know the reason for. "I remember going to the club with Debby."

"Who's Debby?" He growled out in question, a crease forming on his brow.

I frowned slightly at his expression and answered. "My BestFriend whom I'm on vacation with."

"Oh," it was his turn to say as he avoided eye contact and cleared his throat. I nearly cooed at how cute he looked while trying to conceal his face from me.

"As I said, I remember going to the club with her. Having some shots and dancing," I began telling. "You came along after and we danced and went for more drinks."

"That's all?" He interrogated a bit perplexed.

"Wait," I called out and he seemed startled for a second. "I remember you taking me to my hotel room."

"Okay, I guess that was when you were sobering up," he declared. "Nothing about the events in between?"

"Nothing," I asserted and he returned to rest his back on the couch.

"After the dance, we went for drinks," he narrated. We had some shots, exchanged pleasantries, and discussed a few things."

"That much I remember," I conveyed.

"Good." He declared, "We had some arguments on some topics while we agreed on some. Along the line, we discovered we had a lot in common."

"Thank God, I thought I embarrassed myself or something," I breathed in relief, however, a smirk appeared on his lips and I groaned. "Don't tell me."

"You declared we were fit for each other and suggested we get married," he grinned, seeming elated at the thought."

"Oh, God." I placed my head in my palms as embarrassment flooded my being. "And you agreed?"

"Well, I was heartbroken and drunk," he pleaded his case. "In my defense, I laughed it off at first but you happened to be adamant. There was nothing I could do but agree when a beautiful woman whom I'd never dreamt of meeting was in my view and suggesting we get married."

I was grateful my face was still in my hands so I was able to hide my blush as I spoke, "Don't try to sweet-talk your way out of this," I murmured and lifted my head when I was certain my cheeks had cooled down. "So, what next?"

"I called the chauffeur and asked him to drive us to the nearest church," he informed. "While on the way, I phoned Xander and told him to meet me at the nearest church to the hotel, that I was about to get married and needed him to be my best man."

At the expression of disbelief I wore, he continued. "He came, though he explained that he knew I was drunk and wanted to make sure I was fine."

"Was he sober when he did?" I interrogated, wondering how a sober Xander would let his bestfriend get married to a stranger.

"Nope," he uttered in confirmation, and although I expected it, I was still stunned. "He met us while we were waiting for the priest and he happened to be tipsy."

"This is wrong on so many levels." I stared up at the ceiling, a question in my head about why the heavens allowed such madness to take place, though deep down I wasn't complaining. "So everyone at our said wedding was drunk?"

"Not everyone," he countered. "The priest was sober, the sister who was present was sober and even my attorney whom Xander had the sense to call was sober."

"So the priest wedded us that night? Didn't he see we were high on alcohol?" I implored in astonishment. "Or will he say he didn't notice?"

"I think he knew," Lorenzo laughed. "I also think it wasn't the first time that had happened to him, so I'm sure he wasn't fazed. Regardless of the circumstances, we were deemed as one in the house of God and got married that night."

"This is why I said priests in Vegas should stop officiating marriages in the dark hours of the morning," I sighed, the situation becoming more realistic.

"So that my wife is our story." He shrugged and I gaped at him like he had gone bonkers.

"Am I the only one going crazy here?" I inquired, my brows squeezing in a frown. "You seem nonchalant and okay with our situation."

"Why would I not?" He implored, folding his arms. "You are smart, beautiful, sane, and sexy. I see no problem there."

I shifted my vision from his face as he bit his lower lip, his eyes growing hooded as they once again raked my form.

"Why do I feel like there's something you want to ask me," he stated and my sight snapped back to him.

"Umm," I began, unsure, and cleared my throat. Avoiding eye contact like a kid I asked. "Did we have sex last night?"

"No," he answered and I exhaled. "After the wedding, I brought you home."

"Oh." I bobbed my head and watched as he uprooted his weight from the couch, his eighth pack I so badly wanted to feel with my fingers on display as he was still lacking a shirt.

"Though I wanted to," he declared out of the blue, his long legs covering the space between us in one stride. Next thing he planted his hands on either side of my chair caging me.

I gulped as I stared up at his beautiful face that was inches apart from mine, but enough to see every detail as his breath fanned my cheeks. His lips grazed mine and a whimper left my mouth at the soft touch which prompted him to smile in triumph.

"It's not too late now, don't you think?" He inquired with a smirk seconds before his lips descended on mine in a kiss that lasted only moments but felt like hours.