
I like this position better

Rachel's POV

His eyebrow raised in inquiry at my action, his lips curling in an enigmatic smile, lids hooded as he munched on the last slice of pizza. In an attempt to to take his attention off me I asked, "how do you act so good? I mean this is my favorite movie of yours yet."

"I don't know," he shrugged nonchalantly, confidence oozing from his features as he continued. "I guess I was born with the talent."

"You don't have to be so cocky about it," I scoffed, not able to control an eyeroll. That same stare he was sending me returned for the thousandth time. It was starting to make me uncomfortable but in a good way.

Before I could say something about it, he beat me to it. "Come sit," he tapped on the space beside him on the couch as he picked up his laptop from the table which I sighted earlier.

"Why?" I implored my eyes narrowing at his position.

"Don't give me that look," he snorted and placed the MacBook on his lap, his irises trained on the device. "I'm waiting."

Not wanting to drag it out any longer, I gulped and stood from my spot, crossed his face and settled on the other end of the couch, putting as much distance as I could between us hence I couldn't trust my body in his presence.

"You won't see anything from there," he smirked, shoulders relaxed on the seat.

"What do you want to show me?" I asked in a frown as I pinched my nose.

"You wouldn't know if you don't lessen the space." His right palm moved, indicating the inches between us.

I spread my hands on my laps as I noticed they had gotten clammy. Making a sound in the back of my throat, I lifted my butt and fixed it closer to his form. I avoided eye contact with the sexy man on my left and strived to make an image of what was displayed on the screen.

"Is that the best you can do?" His deep voice inquired sending vibrations down my spine. I didn't need to peer at him to know he had an eyebrow raised questioningly in my path.

"I'm here now so show me what you wanted," I stated and ignored his question. It took almost a minute for me to realize I had messed up, which was too late, because the next thing I knew was a muscular arm circling around my waist, the hair on his skin tickling the smooth one of my waistline.

My eyes widened at the contact and I let out a choked gasp as I was lifted from the couch and planted on his firm thighs. My whole body went rigid as I felt everything hard about him meshing with my butt cheeks, hips and back.

I couldn't breathe as every nerve in my body was taking time to react to the new found closeness. As if that was not enough to send me into cardiac arrest, he placed his face between my right shoulder and neck, inciting the slight stubble to graze my skin and send an uncontrollable shiver through my bones.

"Isn't this position better?" He implored, hot air fanning my neck and lips brushing my collarbone. My only response was to gulp and he chuckled, retrieving the MacBook from where he had dropped it to rest on my laps.

I shuffled a bit to make the device balanced but inhaled sharply when I sensed a hot hardness stir beneath me.

"Let me," he spoke, voice slightly strained as he stretched out his hands to adjust the appliance. At that moment, I was seconds away from hyperventilating as every bone in my body was pressed to his.

The instant he was happy with the position, he tapped some keys and clicked on a tab which revealed pictures of houses. I wasn't giving a chance to ask as he answered. "We need a house of our own when we get back to New York."


We were back in New York City. The handover procedure of the board was gone smoothly without any much objections by the directors except for two or three men who seemed to have a personal vendetta against Lorenzo's person had objected.

Being the observant person I was, I noted their discreet snares and murmurs after Lorenzo was officially named the CEO. I had at first thought they had objected in the interest of the company, hence it was understandable for them to oppose Lorenzo, seeing as he had little to no business education and experience to run the establishment.

Nonetheless as I discerned their murmurs about his age and him being there to play, plus the perverted stares they directed my way, I concluded they were simply being plain stupid.

By protocol I knew I wasn't meant to be present thus I had no shares or position in the company, however Lorenzo had insisted I be beside him despite my numerous arguments and reluctance.

Regardless, everything had went well and with my hand securely in Lorenzo's hold which was tingling from the contact, I was ushered into an elevator that would descend, after which we would proceed to the conference room that was already set up for a press conference.

"Be careful," Cameron Lorenzo's father and former CEO blurted as I stumbled a bit in my 4 inch black heels. It was the same shade as the classy slacks I adorned below a perfectly fluffy styled blue blouse, courtesy of R&D designs. My hair in a high ponytail.

I nodded thankfully at my father-in-law who was in a brown suit and pants with a white shirt underneath that matched his white sneakers. I eyed the set of trainers hungrily, wishing I had been adamant about wearing sneakers instead of heels.

Debby as the smart best friend she was, had sensed my plan to sneak out a pair of Addidas trainers into the car so I could switch the moment Lorenzo and I were out of sight.

It took all my adult restraint not to throw a tantrum and insist on wearing the sneakers when it was carted away by none other than the evil woman. My expression at that moment was one of rage and Xander didn't bother to contain his fits of laughter at my expense.

"Sorry," I murmured and gaped up at Lorenzo's well sculptured face as he steadied me after my stumble, his right hand wound around my waist igniting memories of the last time that happened.

"Don't apologize," he whispered in my ear, goosebumps appearing at the spot as every vein in my body reacted, more so as he pressed me closer to his side. "I like this position better."

"Rachel?" Cameron called out snapping me out of whatever trance his son had put me in. "It seems you didn't get what I said."

"My apologies sir," I let out but at his warning glance I corrected myself. "Cameron."

"Good, you should get used to that," he beamed at me and I bobbed my head, still in Lorenzo's embrace. "I was saying how it's a pity we've been too occupied to exchange pleasantries. Anyway, how are you?"

"I've been fine Si- Cameron," I caught myself in time and elbowed Lorenzo as he snorted. "What about you? Laura and Anabelle?"

"Fine," he responded in a smile. "They should be waiting in the conference room as we speak."

"Okay," I nodded, and bit my lip as awkwardness cracked in the air.

Luckily Cameron still had more to say as he asked. "How is my son treating you? As his father I know he can sometimes be a pain."

"Yeah Dad," Lorenzo scoffed, his breathe fanning my hair. "Not as much as Annabelle, though, that girl is a thorn."

"You should know it's not good to speak of your sister that way," Cameron countered, a scowl appearing on his face.

"You should know I'm saying the truth," Lorenzo argued. My mouth unhinged in shock at his utterance while at the same time, humor bubbled at the back of my throat.

Before Lorenzo and Cameron could engage in a stare off, or worse I break out in an uncontrollable laugh, the elevator dinged after what seemed like hours but happened to be barely a minute, and we shuffled out, the conversation ended.

"Follow me," Cameron declared. We did as told, the employees nodding in acknowledgement as we passed them.

The hand around my waist moved to situate on my back, igniting heat on my spine through the satin material of my blouse as he guided me in the path of the room the press were waiting.

Striding beside him, I knew I didn't match in comparison to his godlike appearance as he strolled powerfully in a maroon colored suit jacket and slacks, a black shirt that was halfway unbottened to reveal a sneak peek of his smooth chest and neck, no tie in sight.

His hair was styled backward and neatly, causing the beautiful features of his face to appear sharper and more defined. He was a masterpiece of the male species and at times like that, I had to stop myself from pinching my skin hence it always came across as a dream that such man was my husband.

We halted at the door of the vast room and from our spot I could sight about hundred reporters seated, cameras and cameramen at every angle and laptops on each desk.

'You've got this Rach,' I murmured in my head and inhaled a deep steadying breath that would hopefully calm my stagefright and nerves.