
_______Everyone's life is a movie_____

Rachel's POV

'I take back my words, we don't click,' I muttered in my head.

"I know it isn't," he blurted, eyes peering down at me with an intensity that made my breath hitch. "I simply said what came to mind."

"Then do you think this one of those movies where the director and producer lets you take the lead and showcase the full extent of your talent?" I questioned, arms folded and stance rigid.

"Everyone's life is a movie babe." He took a step toward me, his fingers folding the sleeves of his shirt to rest just above his elbow, the veins running down his arm capturing my attention. "It's left to us the main characters to decide if we want our movie to be dull or interesting."

"Well thank you for crashing into my dull life Lorenzo Caden Peters," I stated, my eyes narrowing at him as he kept coming closer.

"The pleasure's all mine Rachel, Peters," he smirked, emphasis on my new last name as he shortened the space with another long stride.

"What are you doing?" I implored in a hoarse voice and strolled backward as the temperature in the living room heightened with each stride he took.

"Did you forget you called me crazy?" He asked in a smirk, a fire I had seen only a few times appearing in his grey eyes which seemed to darken in lust.

"Yes, I mean, no," I stuttered, my back meeting the wall.

"Are you scared?" He queried in a husky voice, his left palm placed on the wall beside my head invading my personal space. His vision latched on mine, and I could feel myself getting lost in the grey pools as his face drew closer, minty breath fanning my cheeks.

"Don't be," he declared in a smug smile, his knuckles running down my cheek causing me to shudder and unknowingly lean into his touch.

The back of his knuckles slid downward to my jaw and then my neck. My breath quickening as they didn't stop there, instead they trailed my collar bone, before the fingers plunged into my midnight curls.

His mouth drew closer, nose grazing mine, eyes remaining focused, our breath mingling with each other. My heart pounded in my chest, my lips parting. "I need to show you how crazy I can be."

That was the only warning I received as his lips sealed mine in a kiss that was different from the one we shared hours ago. He waisted no time as his mouth moved on mine in feverish haste and hunger, stealing away all sense of reasoning as I immediately gave in to him.

He pressed his body closer, discarding every inch of space left, my back meshing with the wall as goosebumps erupted all over my body. I felt something hard rub my stomach through the fabric of our clothes, inciting a surprised gasp from me.

Taking the opportunity, he bit on my bottom lip and sucked on the plump flesh as his hand in my hair pulled sharply, causing a hiss and angling my face to deepen the kiss.

His palm on the wall snaked to my shoulders, his rough hand rubbing downward, setting every spot ablaze as it snaked its path to my waist where my skin was visible as I reached my hand to press on his chest.

"Fuck," he murmured as my fingers explored their way down his chiseled front, to the waistband of his slacks where I rubbed my index fingers.

"Shit," he groaned as my fingers touched his hot skin. Before I knew it I was lifted up, my legs circling his waist, our lips fighting for dominance as he strolled with me in his arms to settle on one of the couches.

Knees bent inward at his side, his hand in my hair wrapped around the strands and tugged as his lips kissed down to my neck. His left palm gripped my waist, pressing me down on his hardness as he began to move his hips.

"Fucking hell," I let out at the sensation and his mouth as it worked its way to my chest.

"Open your eyes," he commanded and I did, getting entranced in everything about him. His hands abandoned my hair and waist but that didn't stop our movements as our hips continued to grind on each other.

His fingers found the buttons of my blouse, my body involuntarily pushing forward. He smirked at this while I couldn't care to feel embarrassed as I was lost in the sexual tension surrounding us.

My eyes rolled backward as he kissed the top of my right boob, his hand covering the other and fondling it. My hips moved faster on his as wetness pooled in my lady parts.

"Shit, we need to stop," he panted in my neck as his left hand grasped my ass and stilled me. I bit my lower lip and tried to hide my disappointment when he raised his head to stare at my face. "If we don't, it'll turn chaotic, and I'm not sure if you are ready for that chaos yet."

That said, he lifted me off him to place on the couch and stood, the bulge between his legs visible. My lips curled as I felt a sense of satisfaction at having caused that.

His sight followed mine and he smirked, a brow raised as hunger was still heavy in his eyes as they raked my form. "Now you know what you do to me."

I flushed and turned turned away from his gaze when I noticed his shadow cross my face and his voice came from behind me. "Care for some wine? I feel like we should celebrate the world knowing you are my wife."

"You mean celebrate my doom," I snorted, angling my head in his direction as he returned to seat beside me, a bottle of wine, its name I was not ready to pronounce and 2 glasses in his hold.

"Oh come on, don't be a debby downer," he laughed, situating the tumblers on the table before he proceeded to uncock the wine.

"Easy for you to say," I blurted and flinched when the wine came open. "The world loves you."

"You'd be surprised at the amount of people who hate me," he poured the red liquid into each glass and handed me mine which I took, crossing my legs and leaning back on the cushion.

"True, but we don't know how they'll react to my existence." I swirled the wine in the transparent object and inhaled, taking a sip afterward. "Your fans, haters, and shit! My family."

"You haven't told them yet?" He asked, a frown appearing on his brow as he lowered his glass after a sip. "Wow, every other woman would be jumping and announcing me as her husband to the world, but not you."

"I'm me, and not every other woman," I countered to which he plainly nodded and gulped more of the red liquid. "Plus, I tend to think far ahead about certain things."

"When do you plan to tell them?" He inquired. At my confused outlook he explained. "Your family."

"Soon," I stated. "I just need to have enough courage."

"Let's hope your soon is really soon," he mumbled.

I snorted and took another sip. I noticed his vision was trained somewhere on my body. As I checked I noted it was on my chest, or specifically my cleavage hence I didn't fix back the buttons he undid.

Pretending not to have caught on, u savored the tingy but delicious and slightly alcholic taste of the liquid in the glass. "This is nice."

His eyes snapped back to my face and he smiled. "It is." I bent forward to refill my glass when he said. "You haven't fixed back your buttons."

"Oh, this," I touched the front of my blue blouse. "We shared a steamy moment so I needed to cool off."

His lips tilted upwards at my response, an eyebrow raised cockily and I rolled my eyes scoffing at him. We spent some minutes in silence, simply sipping at the wine and getting a refill when necessary.

He had poured the last portion for me in my glass which I was enjoying. Stare fixated on mine he spoke, "Earlier, I didn't feel or note any sign of panties when I gripped you."

Caught off guard at his utterance, my mouth gaped, causing the wine to pour out of it as my eyes widened in shock. Realizing my mess, I slapped a hand over my lips and gulped only for it to backfire as whatever was left in my mouth went the wrong way and I choked.

"There there," he patted my back soothingly and handed me a white handkerchief which I thankfully used to wipe my mouth and cleavage, luckily it didn't get the blue material soaked.

When I had calmed down and he had returned to his relaxed posture, the handkerchief beside the empty bottle, I sent him a glare that had him chuckling.

"Why were you surprised?" He queried, his shirt straining on his biceps as he rubbed his nose and watched me with hooded eyes. "I'm a man, I'm meant to notice these things."

I gazed back at him, head leaned back, lips pursed as I thought of the best reply to give him. "Wanna hear a funny story?"

"Why do I get the impression it's going to be anything but funny," his brows pinching at his forehead as his grey eyes traced the corners of my face.

Shrugging, I blurted, "I had hemorrhoids at the age of 20. Back then I didn't realize what it was till I was 21," I gaped at him. "After that, I had to restrict use of panties except one's made of cotton and avoided tight clothes."

An emotion I didn't discern passed his eyes, regardless he kept mute as I continued talking. "Which is why my wardrobe is mostly filled with dresses, loose fitting slacks, sweatpants and print skirts."

"Did you get surgery?" His face contorted, concern registering on his face.

"No, in my home country there are remedies for it and if managed well it can be cured which in my case happened," I explained.

"Where is your home country?" He implored curiosity taking over.

"Nigeria," I smiled at his surprised expression. "I know I'm American by birth, however I was adopted by African parents."

"Wow," he gasped in surprise and I bobbed my head in affirmation.

"So back to our discussion," I went on to say. "Due to that experience I tend not to put on undies most of the time. Remember at the club we met in Vegas?"

"Yeah, what about it," he mumbled, his voice a bit hoarse.

"I wasn't wearing panties," I informed. "Today too and most other days."

There was silence after that as he seemed to be frozen. Emotions I couldn't count rushed past his grey eyes but only one settled, lust. He inhaled sharply after some seconds, his vision snapping to mine.

"Are you okay?" I frowned.

"You have planted an image in my head that will haunt me babe," he let out huskily.

"What?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"The image of you walking around, your pussy bare and ready to be fucked."