Buckle Up

________We are drifting again_________

Rachel's POV

"Uugggh, thank God, it's Friday," I groaned out, my voice sounding drained as every nerve and bone in my body screamed from exhaustion.

It was past 3 pm in the afternoon and I was glad I had returned home early, giving me a bit time to relax before Lorenzo returns and I'd need to attend to him.

Hearing myself right now, I knew it sounded weird hence he wasn't a child, however he was my husband and also a bit of a child sometimes so I needed to give him my attention and of course fill him up with food.

My heels clicked on the tiles as I strolled to the closest couch and pressed my left palm on it. The couch helped me support my weight as I bent over to untie the death trap I had tied to my feet.