
_What's gotten my wife's panties in a twist?__

Rachel's POV

My eyes flashed open as the little sleep I had tried to catch in the early hours of the day deserted me. Rolling on my side, I noticed the other half of the bed empty, meaning Lorenzo had gotten up earlier.

As I contemplated forcing myself to sleep again, my stomach rumbled, signalling that it needed attention and fast. Adhering to its wishes, I jumped out of bed in another of Lorenzo's t-shirts hence the previous was sprawled somewhere.

My abrupt action backfired as I nearly stumbled on my feet and held the frame of the bed for balance. I had briefly forgotten my bones were a bit sore from Lorenzo and I's escapade yesterday evening.

Add that to the fact we had skipped dinner and ended up getting tangled in each other's desires. Getting the hang of it, I strolled at a careful pace to the bathroom where I did my business, washed my face, brushed my teeth and tied my hair in a bun.