
Stepping out into the open Twilight lead her friends to the spot where they would ambush the first of the heroes. Becky told them to do their own thing, with the setting them being the loyal soldiers of Celestia who are blindly loyal to her. They just come from Equestria and gain human bodies, losing some of their powers and not knowing how to move well.

Twilight Sparkle is dressed in a purple princess dress. The skirt has long cuts on the sides letting her walk and run well. A purple corset made out of leather, gloves, and knee high boots, all over a light purple, body socking. She is armed with a mace that looks like a royal scepter. She learned that she still has her telekinesis but can't use her magic.

Rainbow Dash has on a white bodysuit that she seen ice skaters wear and wore a helmet with a clear face plate. Her rainbow colored hair now much longer, came out from underneath her helmet. She held a staff as her weapon. She couldn't fly but she can still run fast.

Fluttershy is dress in a green robe like a wizard would wear. Flowers and vines grew out of the robe giving her a mother earth feel to her. She has a large walking stick to use as a weapon and has a bag of smoke bombs to make their escape. She can still talk to animals.

Applejack is dress in western duds. She still wore her hat but her outfit is that of a long coat wearing gunslinger straight out of a western. She's armed with a boxing gloves. She is still pretty strong.

Rarity is wearing armor covered with fake gemstones right out of Minecraft. She is also armed with a large shield. She also has telekinesis like Twilight.

Pinkie Pie is dress in a loose fitting red and purple stripe jacket, a blue and orange checker shirt, and yellow pants with green dots one them, With a pair of mismatched boots one brown and the other white, and wore a black glove and a grey glove. And is carrying a large cartoon style mallet. Pinkie can't do her usual stuff she does but is fast and strong, being able to move around and pop out of nowhere.

All of their weapons are padded and are props so they wouldn't hurt as much as the real ones. They also learned of the heroes they be facing and what they can do. With the plan being them grabbing the element the lead hero has and Fluttershy using a smoke bomb to escape to the mark area to get to the next area.

Found in the Forbidden Jungle - Ladyfold, Cactus Man, and La Cebolla.

Found in Canterlot - Auntie Sis, Defendress, and Glassware.

Found in the Badlands - Kid Camo, Buckaress, and Strongheart.

Found in Cloudsdale - Stoolshadow, Penumbra, and EMP.

Found in Dream Valley - Bobby Badoing, G-Lo, and Paint Master.

Found in Dragon Lair - Klanker, Dragonfire, and She-Ton.

Found in Griffonstone - Black Hole, Miss Heed, and Trixie the Great and Powerful.

"Ok we follow the script and no one be any of the wiser," Twilight said to the girls.

"Right," the girls said.

They came upon the site for the staged fight, an outdoor stage where La Cebolla is singing. Cactus Man and Ladyfold are also around the stage helping to entertain the guests that are around the stage. There are also a camera crew that filming the show, which is being broadcasted to the screens at the largest stage at Griffonstone, where the main music show is at. They hide in the bushes keeping out of sight.

"Ok we go in and steal it from Ladyfold and Fluttershy has the element of kindness again," Applejack said.

"I can't sense any magic from the necklace," Twilight said.

"Well we are in a world with no magic in it. I can't use magic or sense anything from you," Rarity points out.

"Right," Twilight said looking at the stage and the people around it. "So how do we do this?"

"We run on the stage and grab the necklace and run off before they know what hit them," Rainbow Dash said.

"We can't just do that. We're actors, we need to do it with style," Rarity said.

"She's right, they all think we're the actors that were hired and they expect a good show. We just need to come up with a good presentation and then they follow suit," Twilight said.

"I got it," Pinkie Pie said showing off the necklace, to the shock of her friends.

"What did you do?" Twilight shouted out.

"I ran up to Ladyfold and grab the necklace," Pinkie replied.

"WHAT!" her friends all shouted.

"Get back here!" Ladyfold shouted as she, La Cebolla, and Cactus Man gave chase.

"Run!" Twilight shouted as she and her friends ran with Fluttershy tossing a smoke bomb behind them to signal its time for the next scene.


Main security room -

Watching both the live fee from the cameras in the different sections and the security cameras, Alicorn gave out a sigh as her plan is going completely off the rails. Instead of a fight, it's a chase with the Superdupers chasing after the villains. All thanks to the clown just running up and grabbing the necklace and ran away.

Canterlot has the ponies running by Auntie Sis and grabbing her necklace. Who gave chase with Defendress, and Glassware, joined by the other already robbed.

Badlands has the ponies being chased on golf carts by Kid Camo, Buckaress, and Strongheart. Which it's clear that none of them knows how to drive as they crash and drove around crazy.

Cloudsdale has Stoolshadow chasing the ponies by darting in and out of walls trying to grab them. Penumbra, and EMP have also joined the chase with EMP shorting out the golf cart they were riding on.

Dream Valley has Pinkie Pie using Bobby Badoing, as a giant ball that's she riding on and using him to flatten G-Lo. Paint Master blasted her off of Bobby with a blast of paint, only for Applejack to grab Bobby and rolled him at the chasing heroes right behind them.

Dragon Lair has Klanker, Dragonfire, and She-Ton cornering the ponies, with the other heroes catching up. Only for Rainbow Dash to grab the smoke bombs and toss them all into a fire pit. The bombs all went off at once filling the entire area with smoke. Causing mass panic with the guests, and the heroes are busy helping to calm things down while the ponies escape.

"I'm ending this before they burn down the park," Alicorn said leaving the room.


Griffonstone -

On the stage Black Hole, Miss Heed, and Trixie are doing what they can to keep the guests calm. The Dazzlings and their singers and bands are in the back of the stage where the acts were stop after the villains showed up in the jungle section. The area is locked down for the guests safety. That's when Twilight's group burst onto the stage, worst for wear as they're covered in paint from Paint Master but are still ready to go.

"Enough," Alicorn shouted as she appeared floating above the stage. She grabs Twilight and her friends with her telekinesis holding them in the air. A nearby camera crew is filming it and getting everything with the mic guy getting the sound.

"Hi," Twilight says with a light laugh seeing that Sunset is mad.

"You and your group have caused enough trouble with all the damage and scaring the guests, ruining the music show and for what?" Alicorn ask.

"We're here for the elements of harmony that you stole," Rainbow Dash said.

"You mean these?" Alicorn ask grabbing the necklaces from the mane 6 and the magic mirror.

"Twilight do you hear me," Cadance ask from the mirror.

"Cadance?" Alicorn ask looking at the mirror.

"Sunset? Is that you?" Cadance ask.

"Oh, I see these are the famous Elements of Harmony of Equestria sent to take back what's mine by birth right," Alicorn said, she grabs the mirror and waves Trixie to her.

"Yes?" Trixie ask.

"I need you to use your power of illusion," Alicorn said as she chants a spell, using the magic she gain from the crown of friendship. The spell combine with Trixie's power of illusion caused screens to appear all over Canterlot of what's happening in the human world. The spell also made the image from the mirror bigger for everyone on the human side to see.

"What did you do Sunset?" Cadance ask. She can see a screen of what's happening in the human world outside.

"Making sure that this can't be covered up. After all the ponies of Equestria should know that their beloved princess Celestia is my mother who she left to die," Alicorn said.

"We know that, the girls found one of the maps for your park and told us about you being Celestia's daughter," Cadance said seeing there's no point in hiding it.

"I made sure that my story is told in the human world. Made it into a multibillion brand over here. A young princess left to die, with the only way to contact the world I came from, unanswered no matter what I wrote inside asking her to help me. All because a control freak of a mother who wants me to be what she can't be, to use the elements to save aunt Luna which she couldn't use anymore. Saying I should make friends when she has none herself. Many people here don't believe my back story even with it having people with superpowers right out of comics running around. And how is mom doing?" Alicorn ask.

"My sister fainted after she learned that you know you're her daughter," Luna said.

"Aunt Luna, it's nice to finally meet you," Alicorn said.

"And you as well my niece," Luna said.

"How did you learn how it was me?" Alicorn ask.

"Discord saw you did it and kept it to himself till he let it out," Luna said.

"Well that explains how you managed to reopen the portal from your end. Took me much to do it from mine," Alicorn said.

"Sunset this doesn't have to go any further. My sister has wronged you, but we can or things out," Luna said.

"You really think I'm just going to stop? Just because you ask? I don't know and while that gives you more right to talk things out with me than the others. Mom made sure that, I grew up never knowing that she's my mother by blood and refused to see me as anything but her student to be used to save you. Even commanding Cadance to tell me how she became an alicorn so that, I wouldn't become an alicorn myself. Years of bitterness and hate has grown inside of me. And seeing how she just replaced me with this? A unicorn who she pick over me her own daughter to be her heir. But the real reason is because she's the prefect tool for her to use with her blind devotion to her princess. Who will lick the walls of the sewers of Canterlot clean if she thinks that mom ordered her to," Alicorn said.

"I wouldn't do that! Right girls?" Twilight ask her friends who refused to look at her when she turns her head to face them. All thinking about it and believing it.

"It wouldn't be… that surprising," Applejack said bluntly. (1)

"Hey!" Twilight gasp out.

"Sunset, please end this before things get out of hand. I will tell you how, to become an alicorn," Cadance said.

"Too late for that to matter. All I want now is my revenge on mother, for leaving me to die," Alicorn said as she turns to Black Hole. "Toss me your necklace."

"Sure," Black Hole said tossing her his necklace.

Alicorn used her magic to create a crown with all the gems on it. Which is the real crown of magic, with added gems on it to make it look like it has all 7 gems she made for the Superdupers on it. She lifted her fellow heroes up in the air and place them off the stage. She place the crown on her head and she felt the surge of magic engulfing her body, causing her body to glow. Her hold on Twilight and her friends was release and they found themselves free from her hold.

"Quick we have to stop her!" Twilight shouted as she and her friends rush Alicorn.

They ran towards Alicorn only to be blasted back as Alicorn released an energy wave knocking them back. She lifted her head to the sky as she began her heart song. The magic flowing from the open portal and Alicorn full of magic again allowed her to use the heart song that allowed ponies and others races of Equestria to do a musical number. The surge of magic also caused Twilight and her friends to pony up, gaining pony ears, horse tails, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy wings on their backs, Rarity a gem on her forehead, and Twilight with wings and a gem on her forehead, and all of them growing bigger. Applejack and Pinkie Pie are now the tallest standing at over 8 feet and Twilight at just a couple of inches shorter.

(ᚷᚨᚺ ᛉᚨᚾ ᛏᚨᚲ ᚷᚨᚺ ᛉᚨᚾ ᛏᚨᛏ ᛏᚨᛏ ᛒᚱᚨᚲ)

(ᚷᚨᚺ ᛉᚨᚾ ᛏᚨᚲ ᚷᚨᚺ ᛉᚨᚾ ᛏᚨᛏ ᛏᚨᛏ ᛒᚱᚨᚲ)

Dark energy began forming around Alicorn engulfing her in a dome of energy. Twilight and her friends got back up and began beating against the dome with their weapons.

(Wandering heart, clouds above)

(Rain begins to fall down)

(My bitter tears flowing out, they never dry up)

(I let the words of a curse be my deliverance)

(ᛗᛁᛖ ᚾᛖᚷ ᛟᚾ ᚷᛁᛖᚲ ᚷᛁᛖᚲ)

(ᚾᚨᚺ ᛈᚺᚨᛋ ᛏᛖᛉᛉᛖ ᛚᚨᚺ)

(These ancient words like a hymn of reclamation)

(Not even death will escape them)

Twilight and Rarity lifted heavy objects around the stage with their telekinesis and slammed them against the dome. And fire beams of magic finding their magic has returned.

(How to center these troubled thoughts? I pray)

(Can the future bring calm to the sea? I beg)

The dome burst apart revealing Alicorn in her new alicorn pony up body. She's now larger in body size with her body more powerful. Her uniform still covers her body but it's clear that she's much more muscular while having a lust body, to go with her now over 8 foot tall body. Her ears are now long and horse like and large red bird wings are now on her back, and there's a gem on her forehead now.

Rainbow Dash using her super speed tried to slam her staff into Alicorn's face. Alicorn grabbed it before it hit her, Rainbow Dash seeing this tried to kick her only for Alicorn to grab her leg and snap it. Rainbow Dash cried out in pain as her leg is broken.

(It's time for salvation to finally come)

(I feel this rage, and I'm feelin' it strong)

(This weeping and wailing has gone far too long)

(Nothing left but to yеll! Yeah! Yeah!)

(I know you feel it too so keep on singin' this song)

(Even whеn they abuse us, we'll keep singin' along)

(We'll start another big bang when we all sing as one)

(United, we're fightin', bring 'em down with our song of ruin)

Fluttershy gave out a warcry as she charges at Alicorn with her walking stick ready. Alicorn swung Rainbow Dash in the air and threw her into her charging friend. Sending both of them flying backwards from the sheer force of the throw.

(ᛗᛁᛖ ᚾᛖᚷ ᛟᚾ ᚷᛁᛖᚲ ᚷᛁᛖᚲ)

(ᚾᚨᚺ ᛈᚺᚨᛋ ᛏᛖᛉᛉᛖ ᛚᚨᚺ)

(We will rejoice when we get the freedom promised)

(The freedom so many die for)

Applejack charge at Alicorn reeling back her arm for a mega punch. Alicorn caught the punch and twist Applejack's arm breaking it. Followed by her kicking Applejack away, sending her flying backward.

(When there's nowhere to run we must find hope)

(Left forgotten within the light, there it glows)

Pinkie Pie appeared behind Alicorn with her hammer ready to bean her on top of her head. Only for her to be crush between Alicorn's new wings showing how powerful they are and she spun around keeping Pinkie Pie between her wings till she stop letting Pinkie Pie go flying away. (2)

(Keep making this music 'til you breath your last)

(We dream but never lose sight of the past)

(Illuminate hope and forget all the rest)

(Nothing left but to yell, yeah, yeah)

A golf cart is toss at Alicorn who catches it with her telekinesis and stares at Rarity and Twilight. Who began tossing other objects at Alicorn who showed her mastery of telekinesis compared to theirs, catching and placing the objects thrown behind her.

(It's time for salvation to finally come)

(I feel this rage, and I'm feelin' it strong)

(This weeping and wailing has gone far too long)

(Nothing left but to yell! Yeah! Yeah!)

(I know you feel it too so keep on singin' this song)

(Even when they abuse us, we'll keep singin' along)

(We'll start another big bang when we all sing as one)

(United, we're fightin', bring 'em down with our song of ruin)

Alicorn reaches the two unicorns and throws a punch at Rarity, she brings up her shield only for Alicorn's arm to punch through it and breaking her face. Twilight swings her mace at Alicorn only for it to be grabbed and lank from her hand and she was grabbed by her neck. Alicorn squeezed down as Twilight struggles to free herself from her grip.

(ᚷᚨᚺ ᛉᚨᚾ ᛏᚨᚲ ᚷᚨᚺ ᛉᚨᚾ ᛏᚨᛏ ᛏᚨᛏ ᛒᚱᚨᚲ)

(ᚷᚨᚺ ᛉᚨᚾ ᛏᚨᚲ ᚷᚨᚺ ᛉᚨᚾ ᛏᚨᛏ ᛏᚨᛏ ᛒᚱᚨᚲ)

"I'm disappointed that mom chose someone like you to replace me. But at least I show that mom made the wrong choice," Alicorn said as she squeezed the life out of Twilight.

"Enough!" Celestia in human form shouted flying to the stage, followed by Luna and Cadance.

All 3 of them had leap into the portal seeing that Sunset isn't playing around, leaving Discord to hold the portal open. Unlike Twilight and her friends she, Luna and Cadance are in the pony up forms like Sunset, being bigger, have horse ears, wings and gems on their foreheads.

"This is a surprise," Alicorn said as she chokes out Twilight to the horror of the other 3 alicorns. "Don't worry she's still alive."

Alicorn tosses Twilight over to Cadance who grabs her and grabs the others from where they lay, helped by Luna. While Celestia stood in front of her daughter.

"Luna, Cadance get them back through the portal. I'll handle Sunset myself," Celestia said.

"Take care sister," Luna said as she and Cadance flew off with the mane six, leaving the mother and daughter reunion.

"Surprise that you came yourself. No getting someone else to do it or trick someone into doing what you want while pretending to care. But then again unlike me, you created a prefect tool for you to use. Just give her a command and she does it without question," Alicorn said.

"Sunset please we don't need to do this," Celestia said.

"Empty words from you. Where was this when it would had matter, where if you would had just read the journal you have this could have been avoided. But you just let my hate for you to fester and grow, just like you did with aunt Luna. But this time you can't just banish me to the moon for a 1,000 years. But that's always been your problem, you always just let things grow as long as it's not in front of you. Sheer level of negligence is your sin," Alicorn said.

"We can make things right between us," Celestia said.

"You lied to me for all of my life. But I can make sure you can't lie to me now. Miss Heed, truth time," Alicorn said.

Having been grabbed by Alicorn's telekinesis, Miss Heed was floated up from behind Celestia while her attention was on Alicorn. Miss Heed was given a hollow glass bracelets filled with truth potion, which works by drinking or breathing it in from large doses. Using her power to evaporate any liquid, Miss Heed sprayed the truth gas into Celestia's face making her breathe in the gas.

"What was that?" Celestia ask gasping.

"Condense truth potion in gas form. I gave Miss Heed some just in case something like this happen, always good to be prepared. But you never really plan ahead," Alicorn said.

"No, I don't," Celestia said unable to stop herself.

"Did you ever cared for me?" Alicorn ask.

"No," Celestia said.

"Then why have me?" Alicorn ask.

"You we an accident after a one night stand with a stallion who I never bothered to learn his name but he did had a Hammer for a cutie mark, while I was visiting the Mulla Kingdom," Celestia said.

"You slept around?" Alicorn ask.

"I have lived for over a 1,000 years and had many lovers during that time. That encounter was the very first time I became pregnant. I hide the pregnancy and you to avoid a scandal," Celestia said.

"Why kept me around then?" Alicorn ask.

"I hoped that you would be the one who would be able to use the elements and free Luna from the darkness that consumed her. You proved too independent for me to mentor, you became too attach to me seeing me as a mother figure instead of a teacher like I wanted. It was just easier for me to get rid of you and get a new student for my plans to work," Celestia said.

"I did hold on a small faint hope there was a reason for you having me and abandoning me. But everything was just for your own selfish desire to remain as the prefect princess that the ponies worship isn't it?" Alicorn ask.

"Yes, I would had preferred you never finding a way back," Celesita said who so want to lie but couldn't because of the truth potion.

"I used my hate to fuel everything, so that I will have my revenge on you mom. A classic motivation in the superhero world, an event that cause the hero to be what they are. You are mine, I will beat you and I will take what's my birth right. I will handle any threat to my kingdom, I won't be anything like you, who prefers to send the untrained and untested to face threats that you should have dealt with, but you prefer staying out of having to fight. Till you have no choice don't you?" Alicorn ask.

"Yes, I always preferred out of sight and out of mind then risking my life. But I will stop you before things gets worst," Celestia said.

"You really think you can do that?" Alicorn ask.

Celestia blasted a powerful spell at Sunset, hoping to knock her out and take her back with her. It would take time and the elements to cleanse her, but she's sure she can make things right. But to her shock the spell she cast wasn't anywhere as powerful as it should had been, and Sunset just counter the spell with her own like she wasn't even trying. Then she remembers, Sunset has been in a world with superheroes, which meant there are supervillains as well, which she would have faced off in combat before. (3)

Alicorn let off a huff as she starts another heart song.

"Well, well, well"

"Mother is having trouble with her magic"

"You are too rusty"

"Ouch! What a terrible performance"

Alicorn grabs Celestia with her telekinesis and holds her in the air.

"Don't you get it"

"You don't wield it like you used to, mom"

Alicorn spun Celestia around and threw her the wall across the stage.

"Yet I have to give you credit for coming this far with your lies"

"And trying to hide your failures, pretending to be what you're not"

"For just unlike you I never pretend to be anything else but what, I am"

"I'll never hide; I can't, I'm too"


Shimmer made herself glow with magic as she walks over to Celestia who is picking herself up.

"Watch me dazzle like a diamond in the rough"

"Strut my stuff; my stuff is so"


Celestia launches herself at Sunset, using her wings to pick up speed. But she's only gotten her human body and still doesn't know how to use it properly, while Sunset has her for years. Alicorn kicks Celestia in the face breaking her nose and sent her rolling backwards.

"Try your best but they'll never be enough"

"My body's too tough, while yours too soft"

As Celestia was getting back up, Alicorn rushes forward and kicks her in the guts sending her up in the air.

"Mother, you could try, try, try"

"But you can't expect a do nothing princess"

Alicorn leaps up and slams both of her fists down on Celestia's back sending her crashing down on the stage floor.

"To beat a warrior queen"

Alicorn slams down feet first on top of Celestia as she tries to get back up.

"You will fail, fail, fail"

"Now it's time for me to take apart"

"Your aching heart"

With her telekinesis, Alicorn turn on the lights of the stage, making everything go blue.

"Far from the ones who blindly worship you"

"Chasing the love of those"

"Who made you feel wanted"

Alicorn spun Celestia around the room, with her slamming into objects.

"You tried to be tough"

"But your body is just not strong enough"

Alicorn tosses Celestia up into the air before catching her before slamming her into the walls and dragged her across it.

"Mother your light has dulled from disuse"

"Now it's time to kick your"


Alicorn drops Celestia and before she hit the ground she kicks her on her butt, sending her sliding across the stage.

"Ever seen someone so"


"Soak it in 'cause it's the last you'll ever see"

"C'est la vie mon ami"

"I'm so"


Celestia crawled across the room and tried to reach to safety but was grabbed by Alicorn by her leg who flung her across the stage.

"Now I'll finish you, so prepare your final plea"

"Just for me"

Alicorn towered over Celestia, looking quite intimidating as she reached for her.

"You'll never be quite as"

"Radiant as me"

"You wish you were a"

"Mother to me"

A large rock is thrown at Alicorn who catches it in the air with her telekinesis. Cadance pulls Celestia away from Sunset while she's distracted, and Luna with her stronger telekinesis pulls the top part of the stage down on top of Sunset, who catches it before it hits her and the guests on the stands. Cadance and Luna flew back to the portal carrying Celestia between them, leaving Alicorn behind as she made sure her guests in the stands are safe.

"After them!" Alicorn shouted to her fellow heroes who have been watching.

The Superdupers gave chase after the flying princesses heading back for the Jungle area. They flew over the hedge maze and flew into the pedestal portal, on the other side Discord is gasping as he's using most of her power keeping the portal open by himself. On the other side of the portal some of the costume heroes appeared staring at the portal in front of them and at the ponies right out of Alicorn's books staring back at them.

"Close it!" Celestia shouted not wanting to face Sunset again.

Discord closed the portal and fell to the floor spent. The connection to the human world cut off, the screens all over Canterlot disappeared. But the damage was done, the ponies and other races had watched as Celestia was both physically and mentally beaten in front of them, by her daughter who she never loved and abandoned to die. The pedestal they place Celestia on was broken, seeing that she's a horrible mother and create a new threat to Equestria, the abandon princess her own daughter Sunset Shimmer.


Author's Notes -

1 - Think about it, would it be really that big of a surprise?

2 - Wings may look weak but the limbs need to be very powerful to allow large birds to be able to fly. A swan wings can break a humans arms.

3 - One thing to remember in worlds where there are superheroes and supervillains. That to be able to be one, even for the ones who have no powers, would require them to be at a level that is just superhuman in real life.
