Chapter 8 Are Tens of Thousands of Commenters Blind?_1

The cousin a couple of months younger than her had her as a bridesmaid at her wedding, because Lan Mu sent a dog to marry her and another dog to be the best man, which pissed her off and drove her away.

"Zaozao, where did you go? Why haven't you been answering my calls?"

As soon as Yan Zao pressed the answer button, she was greeted by Wen Jing's roar that was louder than if she were on speakerphone. When her uncle named her, he clearly didn't foresee her future temperament.

It was hardly in line with the gentle connotations of the name Wen Jing.

She waited for Wen Jing to finish speaking before she brought the phone to her ear, her weak voice a bit hoarse, "What's up?"

Wen Jing, feeling sorry for her voice, asked, "What happened to your voice? Are you also pissed off by those idiots online?"

The idiots online? What happened? Yan Zao frowned, "What do you mean?"

Wen Jing asked, "Where are you?"

Yan Zao: "In the hospital."

As soon as Wen Jing heard that she was in the hospital, she freaked out, "Fuck, Yan Zao, this isn't like you. You let those little bitches online put you in the hospital?"

Yan Zao thought it would be better to just see for herself what had happened online rather than asking Wen Jing, so she hung up the phone directly, swiped open her phone screen, and clicked on Weibo first. The headline at the top of the trending searches nearly made her pass out with rage again.

'Yan Zao is the mistress.'

Without a doubt, it must have been the news of her marriage to Lan Mu being leaked, labeling her as the third party between Lan Mu and Yu Yesang.

What mistress? Who exactly is the mistress here?

When she clicked on the topic, various verified accounts had reposted that she was the mistress, complete with pictures—a nine-square grid, eight photos of Lan Mu and Yu Yesang, and the last one of her with Lan Mu, from that day she was at the airport, when Lan Mu drove for her, without knowing who had taken the picture.

[Support Lan and Yu CP, unbreakable]

[Die, mistress, scram out of our God Lan's house, shameless.]

[Yan Xiaosan, please explode on the spot, you're not worthy of our God Lan, you can't even compare to one of Goddess Sangsang's toes.]

[The mistress's school grades were poor, and she even eloped overseas with a male classmate. How could our God Lan fancy such a lotus? Anything to do with her is an insult to our God Lan.]

The insults were like a tidal wave; every nasty word you could think of was being said.

Yan Zao, flipping through the photos in the nine-square grid one by one, admitted that Yu Yesang was taller than her and had a slightly bigger bust, but how could her face compare with that of the forever campus beauty?

Could it be that the eyes of these tens of thousands of commenters were all blind?

The more Yan Zao thought about it, the more she couldn't accept it, and turned her gaze to the nurse cleaning the table, "Come here."

The nurse set aside her work and walked over with a smile, "What can I do for you, Miss Yan?"

Yan Zao flipped through her phone to the photos of her and Yu Yesang, showing them to the nurse, "Look at these photos, who do you think is prettier?"

Her eyes fixed on the nurse with an expression that dared her to say Yu Yesang was prettier.

In such a situation, faced with the person herself, it was obvious to compliment the person right in front of you, so the nurse pointed at Yan Zao's photo without hesitation, "Of course, this one."

In reality, it wasn't blind flattery—looks-wise, Yu Yesang truly paled in comparison to Yan Zao.

Yan Zao was very pleased with the nurse's choice, "Add a chicken leg to my lunch today."

She was so angered by the situation that she was now fully awake, her hoarse voice carrying a playful hint as she laughed.

The thirty-something nurse laughed and praised her, "Miss Yan, you really have a good sense of humor."