Chapter 10 All Thanks to His Family Spending Money_1

It all started when he joined the Lan Family to work as a chauffeur for the old master.

The old master, facing Lan Mu's stubbornness, really was at his wit's end and, out of frustration, instructed the driver, "Find some people to smear Yu Yesang as well. Make sure she gets a worse reputation than our Zaozao."


Blackening his Goddess Sangsang like that wasn't a great idea, was it?

Seeing the driver's dilemma, the old man became very dissatisfied, and his face darkened, "What's this 'uh' about?"

The driver didn't dare to hesitate any longer, "I'll do my best to handle it."

This was too difficult for him!

"I'm so angry."

The old man patted his chest; he couldn't afford to collapse from anger at this time. He had to live to see Amu and Zaozao have a child and settle down properly before he could pass away.

After calming himself down, the old master felt much better. He turned to go back upstairs, "I'm going to check on Zaozao."

The driver stopped him, "Miss Yan has already completed the discharge procedures and was picked up by her cousin."

"Then make sure to ask Auntie Lan to prepare some nourishing foods for Zaozao; she needs to replenish her strength every day."



If one complains about the air quality in the city, they should try leaving and re-entering the hospital to see how fresh the air is on every street. Yan Zao sat in the car with the windows down, feeling the warm breeze.

It was perfect for a nap, but unfortunately, Wen Jing's driving was erratic, with sudden brakes and swearing at the steering wheel—a classic case of road rage.

She was always worried she would lose control and deliberately crash into another car, so she drove with her heart in her mouth all the way to the Wen Family home. She was told her aunt had prepared chicken soup for her to nourish her body.

In the Yan Family, where the preference for sons over daughters was severe enough to stand out even in ancient times, she never enjoyed the so-called family warmth. The sentence she heard most often growing up was: "You must pursue Lan Mu, charm him, and marry into the Lan Family to pave the way for your brother."

Only this aunt treated her a bit better, always asking Wen Jing to bring her over on the weekends for a feast. Since returning to the country, she had been at odds with her parents and hadn't yet visited her aunt.

Passing a supermarket, she asked Wen Jing to stop so she could buy some fruits and nutritional supplements as a courtesy.

The residential compound where Wen Jing lived was relatively old, located in the old district, but it boasted the best school district housing in Suzhou. The property prices were frighteningly high, without any underground parking garage—the parking spaces were just along the inner roads of the compound.

Wen Jing parked in a spot close to the building, and Yan Zao, following her, unbuckled her seatbelt and got out of the car one after the other.

"Miss Yan."

They had barely stepped out of the car when a wave of reporters appeared from different directions, and in the blink of an eye had Yan Zao surrounded.

Some were holding cameras, others carried video cameras on their shoulders.

They were at her aunt's place, and her visit had been a spur-of-the-moment decision—so who leaked the information?

She cast a suspicious glance at Wen Jing, who shook her head in confusion, indicating she was clueless.

Yan Zao of course believed her.

The reporters' questions were more pointed one after another.

"The internet is buzzing about you stepping in on Lan Mu's and Miss Yu Yesang's relationship. Do you have anything to say for yourself?"

"Yeah, tell us, how did you come between Lan Mu and Sangsang's relationship?"

Wen Jing, enraged, attempted to speak up and clear things up for Yan Zao several times, but each time, Yan Zao stopped her.

The flashes of the cameras went off, as if at a celebrity press conference.

Facing the cameras, Yan Zao replied calmly, "I have nothing much to say, except this: There was no fate between Lan Mu and me; it was all bought with their family's money."

(It's been a long time. I've been rather down in the dumps this past half year, resulting in a lack of full commitment to the previous book. I apologize once again and hope all of you are still here. I will treat the new book as dearly as my own child. Don't forget to vote and add it to your favorites after reading. Mwah~~)