Chapter 20 The Elder Aunt Got Hospitalized from Anger_1

After two beeps, the amplifier carried the excited voice of the elder, "Zaozao."

A voice brimming with indulgence.

Yan Zao asked anxiously, "Have you been very sick recently?"

The old master replied, "Not at all, Grandpa is in great health, still waiting to hold my great-grandson."

After he finished speaking, the elder laughed heartily as if he had already held his great-grandson.

Yan Zao frowned, "But my aunt came to my house and said you were confused, I was so worried."

Upon hearing this, the old master's voice changed immediately, he snorted coldly, "She wishes I were confused, once I die, they can do whatever they want."

Lan Sizhen was listening by the side, her eyes wide, pointing at Yan Zao, "You... "

Her mouth agape, she was so angry that she couldn't utter a word.