Chapter 30 Wishing Them a Quick Bankruptcy_1

The restaurant is Yu Yexiao's, and everyone is queuing up to eat there. Continuing like this wouldn't be good for her, so she starts to play the magnanimous peacemaker again, urging Yu Yesang's fans, "Please, do me a favor, and let's not fight anymore. On the seventh, come see our Sangsang. You'll get a chance to take a photo with Sangsang and get her signature."

"I'll definitely come to queue up early, I absolutely want to get Sangsang's photo and signature, wow!"

The fans of Sang were all extremely excited.

Suddenly, Yu Yexiao adds, "And Lan Mu might come as well."

The scene immediately exploded.


"God, is Lan God actually going to come?"

"Damn, I've got to come early and put on my makeup."

Yu Yexiao adds, "And who knows, Vice-Captain Zhou might also come to show support."


"I'll definitely come, I might faint at the sight."

It wasn't just young girls getting silly, many of the boys who love basketball were also thrilled.