Chapter 34 Rivals Meet_1

With a 'snap,' the cup dropped onto the glass tabletop and shattered upon impact.

It startled both me and the opposite Wen Jing.

Wen Jing quickly stood up to grab a napkin to wipe the water that splashed onto Yan Zao, calling for a waiter to clean up the glass shards.

After the waiter came to clean up and Yan Zao expressed her apology, her gaze returned to the entrance. Four people walked in, but she didn't notice Zhou Sicheng and another childhood friend Zu He, her eyes were only for the man and woman walking side by side.

Yu Yesang's height only gave off the impression of a delicate bird nestled against someone when she was next to Lan Mu. Even if she wasn't exceptionally beautiful, her height and her refined aura endowed her with a sense of elegance.

After three years, she was still the same as Lan Mu, fond of simple white Ts and tight jeans, dressed casually, still... ever-present by Lan Mu's side.