Chapter 40 Why not come to the club and help out_1

The incident that happened when Wen Jing and I were queuing at the hotpot restaurant next door was plastered all over the internet, claiming that she was jealous of Yu Yesang, became furiously embarrassed, and insulted Yu Yesang, calling her nothing more than a cheerleading captain, and even got into a fight with Yu Yesang's fans.

They must know about it too.

Zhou Sicheng and the others hadn't expected Yan Zao to bring up the matter themselves; they hadn't mentioned it for fear of embarrassing her, but now that she had brought it up, they didn't know how to respond. Zhou Sicheng and Zu He exchanged glances, then looked over at Lan Mu.

Lan Mu continued to eat his food, looking unconcerned and detached from the whole affair.

All he could do was continue chatting with Yan Zao, "The store next door belongs to Sister Sangsang, so next time we go out for a meal, let Sister Sangsang get you in the back door, and you won't have to queue."