Chapter 48 Nobody Can Stop What I Want to Do_1

It's still because she wasn't good enough.

Yan Zao clenched her fists, and ultimately suppressed the dissatisfaction in her heart, replying indifferently to Li Sufen, "I have no interest in comparing myself to anyone."

If she wasn't mistaken, the person who spread the news about her buying the seafood restaurant must be related to the one who was trying to steal her thunder.

Even if it was Li Aiqin who unreliably leaked it, it wouldn't have spread so quickly, let alone made it to the trending searches.

That person just wanted to tie her and Yu Yesang together, leading everyone to believe she was jealous of Yu Yesang and wanted to compete and be at odds with her.

Eventually, they wanted everyone in the city and online to watch her being crushed by the hotpot restaurant next door on her opening day, and to ridicule her.

How malicious!