Chapter 52 You Must Come to Pick Me Up_1

Aunt Lan felt disappointed; she had thought that even if Lan Mu couldn't contact Yan Zao's close friends, he would at least be a bit worried about whether Yan Zao might be in trouble and try to find him.

Instead, he seemed utterly indifferent.


The ring of the telephone in the living room suddenly sounded, and Aunt Lan hadn't reacted when Lan Mu abruptly halted his steps and turned around.

He looked towards the landline sitting on the coffee table.

"Could it be Zaozao calling?"

Aunt Lan excitedly picked up the phone, greeting with a 'Hello'. Before she could ask who was on the line, Lan Mu's mobile phone also rang inside his pocket.

His attention diverted, he took out his mobile phone, the display showing '1'. His thumb trembled above the screen, as if he feared the caller wouldn't wait and might hang up soon, so he immediately pressed the answer button.

Then he put it to his ear.