Chapter 73: Yan Zao Gets Angry While Watching the Show_1

Yan Zao uttered a calm "Oh".

She had seen Yu Yesang's scheming before. Yu Yesang's ability to navigate among so many people, to be all things to all people, was evidence of her cunning.

She wasn't without understanding, either; society no longer favored the naive and sweet. It was a world for the strong.

Dai Xinmeng was still staring in the direction Lan Mu's car had left, frowning in confusion, "I just can't see how your husband could like this kind of woman."

Yan Zao shrugged, "The fact is, he does."

And he had for many years.

She too, stepped into the car and left.


Once in the car, Yan Zao removed her makeup, donned a mask and cap, and made sure she was wrapped up tightly. The car stopped in the hotel's underground garage, and she was the first to disembark and take the elevator up, leaving Dai Xinmeng behind.

Back in her room, she threw herself onto the bed, sprawling out in a starfish position.

Dai Xinmeng followed her in after swiping the card.