Chapter 82 Is this woman too much?_1

"I..." Yan Zao actually wanted to say she had already showered, but thinking of Yu Yesang, she still decided to play it smart. Taking a shower and changing into a bathrobe would make it clear she wasn't leaving, "Then I'm going to take a shower."

As she spoke, she lifted her foot and headed toward the bathroom. Passing by Yu Yesang, she nodded politely, "Miss Yu, you chat with Lan Mu first, I'm going to shower."

She was the epitome of ease and grace.

Yu Yesang was stunned; she hadn't expected Yan Zao to stay the night. Once Yan Zao entered the bathroom, she turned to Lan Mu, her mouth slightly agape, "Yan Zao, she..."

Before she could ask, Lan Mu interrupted her, "What is it?"

He walked to the fridge, opened the door, took out a bottle of mineral water, twisted off the cap, drank a mouthful, and then sat down on the sofa.

It was his usual demeanor.