Chapter 90 Yan Zao Allergic to Soy Milk_1

He also needed to show the box to Lan Mu.

It felt like a buzz went off in Lan Mu's head.

Without almost any consideration, he picked up the mobile phone on the coffee table and bolted towards the door.

"Zaozao is allergic to soy milk, and should not have it if she comes over for breakfast in the future."

Was that stupid woman's throwing away the breakfast because of an allergy?

Zhou Sicheng and Yu Yesang just arrived to see him when they saw him darting out the door; they asked in unison, "Amu, what's wrong?"

When Lan Mu saw Yu Yesang, he stopped to ask her, "Did you give Yan Zao soy milk?"

His tone was an unconscious accusation.

Yu Yesang's gaze faltered, and her mouth fell agape, then she said with a smile, "I didn't know what she liked to eat, so I just grabbed something. What happened?"

Lan Mu did not respond to her, but continued running toward the elevator.