Chapter 92: The Old Phoenix Man_1

She said...

So, she's a fan of Yu Yesang.

Yan Zao's lips curled into a cold smirk, and she couldn't help but admire Yu Yesang, who played amateur soccer for a year and a half before organizing her own cheerleading team, and so many people bought into it.

It was just a pity that all the fans she met in real life were not very smart mutes.

Yan Zao refused to sit back and do nothing. She taunted back, "Who would have thought that a big guy like you would be so gossipy."

Wu Yuepeng said, "I don't have any other hobbies, I just like to play basketball, watch games, and I've been to the NBA live twice."

His tone was so proud, as if he'd been invited to so many important meetings.

Prouder than that, even.

Such a show-off!

Yan Zao didn't respond, and Wu Yuepeng brought up Yu Yesang again, "Sangsang once played for the women's soccer team, and I watched her game. She's really an excellent girl, and what I admire most about her is her constant, silent support behind Lan Mu."