Chapter 95 Suddenly Find Lan Mu Somewhat Handsome_1

Yan Zao also felt a ripple in her heart, like a slick of honey, as she heard those three words. She looked astonished at the man beside her, who was casually sipping plain hot water from his cup, as if he had not made any meaningful remark just now.

It was as if the speaker had no intention, but the listener read too much into it.

Was she overthinking the speaker's casual words?

The female manager's face changed dramatically upon hearing Lan Mu's words, "Team Blue, you're putting me in a difficult position."

Lan Mu suddenly looked up, his handsome face cold, "Who are you?"

Meaning, 'Do I, such a significant figure, have the spare time to trouble you?'

Terrified, the female manager shrank her neck and didn't dare to question further, handing the menu to Yan Zao with both hands, "Miss Yan, please take a look at the menu."

She looked at Yan Zao with an unwilling gaze, the very person she had just mocked was now someone she had to serve.