Chapter 97 As Expected, the Family is Blind in Both Eyes_1

Then, with a warning tone, he said to Yan Zao, "Don't just agree to any invitation in the future. If you're not embarrassed, I am."

He strode off toward his car.

Yan Zao watched his proud figure walking away, but for some reason, she didn't feel as sad as she did every previous time he had looked down on her.

She knew why.

She pursed her lips and gave a self-deprecating laugh. Had she started feeling sweet without receiving any candy?

Lan Mu had already gotten into the car, while Yan Zao was still standing there. He grew impatient and urged her, "Aren't you getting in the car?"

Her train of thought interrupted, Yan Zao ran over in quick steps and said irritably to Lan Mu through the car window, "Sorry for troubling you, Mr. Lan."

Then she opened the rear door and got into the car.

Lan Mu was dissatisfied with her tone. "What's with your attitude?"

Sneaking out to have dinner with another man behind his back, and she still has the nerve to talk back when he scolds her?