Chapter 110: What the Hell Is He Thinking?_1


Yu Yesang's call of surprise, like an alarm bell, woke Yan Zao, and she halted in her tracks.

The hands that were ready to embrace deflated like a punctured ball and fell to her sides.

It was ridiculous; she had actually fantasized about showing weakness and soliciting sympathy in front of Lan Mu, who didn't like her.

If he truly sympathized or cared, how could she possibly be suffering here?

Lan Mu watched the woman who was two steps away from him suddenly stop, the light in his eyes dimming like fog obscuring the stars, and he frowned in confusion.

His long legs took a step to close the distance between them.

Yan Zao sidestepped, avoiding him by a step, coldly not allowing anyone to come near.

Lan Mu was taken aback.

Yan Zao did not look at him, resumed her steps, and left without looking back.

Once she was out of the restaurant, she walked briskly, only wishing to quickly leave this place, leave this home she could never fit into, never be accepted into.