Chapter 130 Lan Mu Is Your Weakness_1

Because Yan Zao only showed her eyes and lips, it was fine that she wore exaggerated cosmetic contacts, but she had to reapply her lipstick frequently.

She entered her office, closed the door, and hurriedly urged Dai Xinmeng, "Hurry up with the makeup."

Dai Xinmeng, taking her time, placed her makeup bag on the table, not understanding why Yan Zao was in such a hurry, "What's the rush for?"

Yan Zao said, "We need to fill up our restaurant before Lan Mu goes to the hotpot place next door."

She sat down on a chair.

Dai Xinmeng frowned, "Fans from all over the country are rushing to support you, what are you afraid of?"

Indeed, she had never worried about empty seats when attending events before, but now she was concerned about a small seafood restaurant.

She placed her hands on her legs, looking down.

Dai Xinmeng poked her forehead and said, "Lan Mu is your Achilles heel."

The tone was one of reproach, full of sympathy.

Yan Zao smiled wryly with a twist of her lips.